- Profile page for Larry Rodrigues
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NOTICE: In may 2018 the sad news arrived that palmist Larry Rodrigues has recently passed away - R.I.P. Lawrence F Rodrigues.

Larry Rodrigues ****
Hand analyst (palmist)
in Sacramento, California (US)
Recommendations by Larry Rodrigues:
"Larry's background is solidly planted in the scientific and education worlds. He holds a Master of Science Degree in Education from the University of Southern California. His first career was in the military for 20 years; he is a retired USAF Major. His second career was teaching electronic communications for 27 years at a California community college. His current "third career" is in the metaphysical and healing arts field. Larry continues his research and writing in Sacramento, California, and is the Director of the EastWest Institute for Self-Understanding, which he founded in 1980."
"Ever since his near death experience (NDE) in 1988, a deeper understanding and healing of the body-mind-spirit has been his focus. His profound and blissful NDE personally validated his work with Past Life Regressions. Since 1975, he has guided over 2,000 people back to memories of present and past lives. He was a charter member in the Association for Past-Life Research and Therapy, and served on the Research Committee."
"Larry pioneered research into the use of Hand Analysis and hypnosis for personal growth. He has combined Hand Analysis with advanced hypnosis and biofeedback to help people make positive changes in their life. The processes he developed encompass working with the body, mind, and spirit simultaneously. His continuing research and practice is primarily devoted to the healing arts."
"Larry authored "It's all in your hands: Hand Analysis Guidebook to Self-Understanding" so anyone can learn to use Hand Analysis for personal growth and helping others. His book, updated to the 4th edition, was a success worldwide and all printed copies have sold out. It is now out of print and is only available online as an ebook in pdf file format. His "Secrets of Hand Analysis" 2nd edition is also available online as an ebook at www.handanalysis.com."
Larry is the founder of The EastWest Institute for Self-Understanding.
- Hand reading profile for Larry Rodrigues -
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Common synonyms for hand reading are:
palm reading, palmistry, hand analysis & chirology