Palmistry TOP 100 - section: Europe
Including 167 websites from e.g. Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, N-Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Swiss, UK, Ukraïne & Wales
Palmistry TOP 100 - section: Asia
Including 56 websites from e.g. China, Hongkong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhsta, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philipines, Russia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand & U.A.E
Global Palmistry TOP 25:
Palmistry Top 1-25 | Palmistry Top 26-50 | Palmistry Top 51-75 | Palmistry Top 76-100
PALMISTRY TOP 100: No. 1-25
- last updated on december 7, 2012 -
1 9 9 34
TITLE: 'Palmistry - primal focus'
F. Cappelle, HOME: Amsterdam, NL 
URL: www.dse.nl/~frvc/palmistry/
Palmistry-Rank = 110.40%
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + SEOMOZ PA=64 + Alexa Reach= - | NO.PAGES=3
18 - - -
TITLE: 'HANDRESEARCH: hand analysis & palm reading research'
Martijn van Mensvoort, HOME: Eindhoven, Nederland 
URL: www.handresearch.com
Palmistry-Rank = 109.90%
POP. STATS: Google PR=4 + SEOMOZ PA=53 + Alexa Reach=0.00026% | NO.PAGES=2000
12 11 11 61
TITLE: 'Beth Davis - Are you ready to...'
Beth Davis, HOME: Tucson - Arizona, USA 
URL: www.handanalyst.com
Palmistry-Rank = 106.79%
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + SEOMOZ PA=49 + Alexa Reach= - | NO.PAGES=114
7 7 15 12
TITLE: 'Russian professional palmistry'
Galina Soroka, HOME: Petropavlovsk - Russia 
URL: www.iks.ru/~soroka
Palmistry-Rank = 109.38%
POP. STATS: Google PR=4 + SEOMOZ PA=54 + Alexa Reach=0.000005% | NO.PAGES=77
2 3 5 20
TITLE: 'Psychodiagnostic Chirology'
Arnold Holtzman, HOME: Yehud, Israel 
URL: www.pdc.co.il
Palmistry-Rank = 108.68%
POP. STATS: Google PR=4 + SEOMOZ PA=47 + Alexa Reach=0.00001% | NO.PAGES=36
2 1 2 1
TITLE: 'HumanHand.com - Palmistry, cheirology...'
Kenneth Lagerstrom, HOME: Burnaby - British Columbia, Canada 
URL: www.humanhand.com
Palmistry-Rank = 108.34%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=51 + Alexa Reach=0.000033% | NO.PAGES=99
8 13 4 7
TITLE: 'Astrologie und Chirologie'
Jack Trappe, HOME: Sandhausen, Germany 
URL: www.astrologie-chirologie.com
Palmistry-Rank = 108.28% (CONTENT: + astrology + homeopathy)
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=45 + Alexa Reach=0.00029% | NO.PAGES=121
3 12 7 6
TITLE: 'International Institute of Hand Analysis'
Richard Unger &
Alana Unger, HOME: Tiburon - California, USA 
URL: www.handanalysis.net
Palmistry-Rank = 108.25%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=50 + Alexa Reach=0.000043% | NO.PAGES=186
5 5 10 18
TITLE: 'Edward D. Campbell - Lawyer, hand analyst...'
Ed Campbell, HOME: Seattle - Washington, USA 
URL: www.edcampbell.com
Palmistry-Rank = 108.15%
POP. STATS: Google PR=4 + SEOMOZ PA=41 + Alexa Reach=0.000006% | NO.PAGES=17
6 4 8 45
TITLE: 'Fingerprint Geometric Analysis'
Andres J. Washington, HOME: New York, USA 
URL: www.dermatoglyphics.com
Palmistry-Rank = 108.12%
POP. STATS: Google PR=4 + SEOMOZ PA=41 + Alexa Reach=0.000007% | NO.PAGES=59
9 2 1 4
TITLE: 'Free hand analysis and psychic center'
Larry Rodrigues, HOME: Sacramento - California, USA 
URL: handanalysis.com
Palmistry-Rank = 108.09%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=47 + Alexa Reach=0.000049% | NO.PAGES=107
10 22 24 13
TITLE: 'Palmistry, hand analysis, palm reading...'
Lynn Seal, HOME: Torquay, England 
URL: www.handanalysis.co.uk
Palmistry-Rank = 107.63%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=43 + Alexa Reach=0.000034% | NO.PAGES=19
14 16 57 21
TITLE: 'Palmistry by Myrna Lou'
Myrna Lou Goldbaum, HOME: Boulder - Colorado, USA 
URL: www.myrnaloupalmistry.com
Palmistry-Rank = 107.57%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=45 + Alexa Reach=0.000008% | NO.PAGES=16
15 15 33 42
TITLE: 'Chirology, palmistry, hand reading...'
Johnny Fincham, HOME: Kirby Bedon, England 
URL: www.johnnyfincham.com
Palmistry-Rank = 107.43%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=44 + Alexa Reach=0.00001% | NO.PAGES=97
16 8 87 39
TITLE: 'Handlesen, chirologie: hand und horoskop'
Manfred Magg, HOME: Aichwald, Germany 
URL: www.handlesen.de
Palmistry-Rank = 107.19%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=41 + Alexa Reach=0.000011% | NO.PAGES=22
20 37 13 86
TITLE: 'Universele Handleeskunde'
Magda van Dijk, HOME: Bodegraven, Nederland 
URL: www.magdavandijk.nl
Palmistry-Rank = 107.09%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=41 + Alexa Reach=0.000011% | NO.PAGES=129
11 10 18 8
TITLE: 'AstroPalmistry - The astrology in your hand'
Leslie Zemenek, HOME: Victoria - British Columbia, Canada 
URL: www.astropalmistry.com
Palmistry-Rank = 107.07%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=40 + Alexa Reach=0.000009% | NO.PAGES=24
26 33 14 100+
TITLE: 'Ronelle Coburn - Decoding your destiny'
Ronelle Coburn, HOME: Oakland - California, USA 
URL: www.ronellecoburn.com
Palmistry-Rank = 106.98%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=39 + Alexa Reach=0.000008% | NO.PAGES=8
17 17 37 86
TITLE: 'Ellen Duim - Handlijnkunde & coaching'
Ellen Duim, HOME: Amsterdam, Nederland 
URL: www.ellenduim.nl
Palmistry-Rank = 106.96%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=36 + Alexa Reach= 0.000006% | NO.PAGES=8
19 6 25 86
TITLE: 'God Given Glyphs'
Jen Hirsch, HOME: Cape Town, South Africa 
URL: godgivenglyphs.com
Palmistry-Rank = 106.96%
STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOM. PA=40 + Alexa R.=0.000009 | NO.PAGES=137
92 100+ 100+ 100+
TITLE: 'Vedic astrology & palmistry'
Alan Annand, HOME: Toronto - Ontario, Canada 
URL: www.navamsa.com
Palmistry-Rank = 106.92% (including CONTENT: + astrology + numerology)
POP. STATS: Google PR=5 + SEOMOZ PA=41 + Alexa Reach=0.000006% | NO.PAGES=249
84 96 100+ 100+
TITLE: 'Hiromantia'
Boris Akimov, HOME: Moscow, Russia 
URL: www.hiromantia.ru
Palmistry-Rank = 106.86%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=37 + Alexa Reach=0.000018% | NO.PAGES=29
28 28 46 71
TITLE: 'Hand Tales - Life purpose hand analysis'
Janet Savage, HOME: Stowe - Vermont, USA 
URL: www.handtales.com
Palmistry-Rank = 106.82%
POP. STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=38 + Alexa Reach= 0.000008% | NO.PAGES=65
24 85 57 100+
TITLE: 'I read hands - palmistry'
Patti Lightflower, HOME: Mainville - Ohio, USA 
URL: www.ireadhands.com
Palmistry-Rank = 106.80%
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + SEOMOZ PA=38 + Alexa Reach= - | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry Top 1-25 | Palmistry Top 26-50 | Palmistry Top 51-75 | Palmistry Top 76-100
How is the Palmistry TOP 100 compiled?