Palmistry TOP 100 - section North-America (2009)
Palmistry Top 1-25 | Palmistry Top 26-50 | Palmistry Top 51-75
Palmistry TOP 100 - North America 2011 - Palmistry TOP 100 - North America 2010
Palmistry TOP 100 - North America 2009 & Palmistry TOP 100 - North America 2008
- Ranking in the summer of 2009 -
Larry Rodrigues, HOME: Sacramento - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Free hand analysis and psychic center' - URL: www.handanalysis.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=205 + Alexa Reach=0.00043% | NO.PAGES=114
Palmistry-Rank = 110.24% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Kenneth Lagerstrom, HOME: Burnaby - British Columbia, Canada 
TITLE: 'HumanHand.com - Palmistry, cheirology...' - URL: www.humanhand.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=331 + Alexa Reach=0.00017% | NO.PAGES=97
Palmistry-Rank = 108.92% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Ghanshyam Singh Birla, HOME: Chénéville - Quebec, Canada 
TITLE: 'The Birla Center for Hast Jhyotish' - URL: www.palmistry.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=169 + Alexa Reach=0.00022% | NO.PAGES=154
Palmistry-Rank = 107.74% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Richard Unger &
Alana Unger, HOME: Tiburon - California, USA 
TITLE: 'International Institute of Hand Analysis' - URL: www.handanalysis.net
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=147 + Alexa Reach=0.000027% | NO.PAGES=139
Palmistry-Rank = 105.61% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Ed Campbell, HOME: Seattle - Washington, USA 
TITLE: 'Edward D. Campbell - Lawyer, hand analyst...' - URL: www.edcampbell.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=27 + Alexa Reach=0.00012% | NO.PAGES=17
Palmistry-Rank = 105.46% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Beth Davis, HOME: Tucson - Arizona, USA 
TITLE: 'Beth Davis - Are you ready to...' - URL: www.handanalyst.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=183 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=121
Palmistry-Rank = 104.71% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Ronelle Coburn, HOME: Oakland - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Ronelle Coburn - Decoding your destiny' - URL: www.ronellecoburn.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=31 + Alexa Reach=0.000017% | NO.PAGES=66
Palmistry-Rank = 104.42% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Myrna Lou Goldbaum, HOME: Boulder - Colorado, USA 
TITLE: 'Palmistry by Myrna Lou' - URL: www.myrnaloupalmistry.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=117 + Alexa Reach=0.000011% | NO.PAGES=16
Palmistry-Rank = 104.27% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Leslie Zemenek, HOME: Victoria - British Columbia, Canada 
TITLE: 'AstroPalmistry - The astrology in your hand' - URL: www.astropalmistry.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=89 + Alexa Reach=0.000034% | NO.PAGES=23
Palmistry-Rank = 104.21% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Peggie Arvidson, HOME: Arlington - Virginia, USA 
TITLE: 'Hand analyst, palmistry expert, life...' - URL: www.intuitiveevolution.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=72 + Alexa Reach=0.000023% | NO.PAGES=13
Palmistry-Rank = 103.94% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Kat Anders, HOME: Pocatello - Idaho, USA 
TITLE: 'Acurate palm readings in depth hand analysis' - URL: www.kosmickonnection.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=61 + Alexa Reach=0.000011% | NO.PAGES=46
Palmistry-Rank = 103.68% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Thanu Pillay, HOME: San Francisco - OR, USA 
TITLE: 'Welcome to palmistry learning center' - URL: www.palmistry.org
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=48 + Alexa Reach=0.000016% | NO.PAGES=22
Palmistry-Rank = 103.62% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Madame Carolyn, HOME: Chaska - Minnesota, USA 
TITLE: 'Madam Carolyn - Psychic palmist' - URL: www.madamcarolyn.comm
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=61 + Alexa Reach=0.000003% | NO.PAGES=24
Palmistry-Rank = 103.62% (including CONTENT: '100% palm reading')
MTrue, HOME: Port Charlotte - Florida, USA 
TITLE: 'MTrue's mystery palm of the week' - URL: www.mysterypalm.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=55 + Alexa Reach=0.00001% | NO.PAGES=25
Palmistry-Rank = 103.60% (including CONTENT: '100% palm reading')
Pamelah Landers, HOME: Santa Rosa - California, USA 
TITLE: 'The hands on company' - URL: www.handsoncompany.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=34 + Alexa Reach=0.000021% | NO.PAGES=41
Palmistry-Rank = 103.51% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Robin Gile, HOME: Albuquerque - New Mexico, USA 
TITLE: 'Palm & tarot reading | The idiot's guide to palmistry' - URL: www.robingilepalmistry.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=44 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=37
Palmistry-Rank = 103.39% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Lura McCallum, HOME: Duncan - British Columbia, Canada 
TITLE: 'Lura is a world renowned psychic tarot reader' - URL: tarotpalmreading.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=24 + Alexa Reach=0.000005% | NO.PAGES=23
Palmistry-Rank = 103.27% (including CONTENT: '100% palm reading')
Janet Savage, HOME: Stowe - Vermont, USA 
TITLE: 'Hand Tales - Life purpose hand analysis' - URL: www.handtales.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=22 + Alexa Reach=0.000007% | NO.PAGES=36
Palmistry-Rank = 103.26% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Roberta Coker, HOME: Santa Rosa - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Hand Dynamics' - URL: www.handdynamics.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=21 + Alexa Reach=0.000001% | NO.PAGES=32
Palmistry-Rank = 103.19% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Mark T. Wexler, HOME: Reno - Nevada, USA 
TITLE: 'Palmistry and tarot card...' - URL: www.palmistryandtarotreadings.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=16 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 103.16% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Patti Lightflower, HOME: Mainville - Ohio, USA 
TITLE: 'I read hands - palmistry' - URL: www.ireadhands.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=15 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=5
Palmistry-Rank = 103.15% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Kathy Dannel Vitcak, HOME: Pinewood - Minnesota, USA 
TITLE: 'The secret in my hand' - URL: thesecretinyourhands.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=21 + Alexa Reach=0.000004% | NO.PAGES=118
Palmistry-Rank = 103.14% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Elizabeth Bothwell, HOME: Portland - Oregon, USA 
TITLE: 'Transpersonal consulting and hand analysis' - URL: www.lizbothwell.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=12 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 103.12% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Cat McGuire, HOME: New York, USA 
TITLE: 'Cat McGuire palmistry' - URL: www.catmcguire.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=8 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry-Rank = 103.08% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Claire Savard, HOME: Quebec City, Canada 
TITLE: 'Votre avenir par Claire Savard' - URL: www.rencontrevoyance.cjb.net
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=5 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 103.05% (including CONTENT: '100% chirologie')
Ellen McBride, HOME: Kitchener - Ontario, Canada 
TITLE: 'Personal power palmistry' - URL: www.personalpowerpalmistry.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=3 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=3
Palmistry-Rank = 103.03% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Frederique Herel, HOME: Oakville - Ontario, USA 
TITLE: 'Palmistry based counselling' - URL: home.cogeco.ca/~fherel/
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=8 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=230
Palmistry-Rank = 102.85% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Annika Ek, HOME: Ottawa, Canada 
TITLE: 'TrulyU hand analysis' - URL: www.trulyu.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=77 + Alexa Reach=0.000011% | NO.PAGES=46
Palmistry-Rank = 102.84% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Kianna Smith, HOME: Austin - Texas, USA 
TITLE: 'Palm reading online by PalmReport' - URL: www.palmreport.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=16 + Alexa Reach=0.00003% | NO.PAGES=34
Palmistry-Rank = 102.43% (including CONTENT: '100% palm reading')
Prof. Sasi Velupillai, HOME: Los Angeles - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Professor Sasi - psychic palmist of India' - URL: www.professorsasi.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=24 + Alexa Reach=0.000014% | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 102.38% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Ed Campbell, HOME: Seattle - Washington, USA 
TITLE: 'International Behavioral and Medical Biometric...' - URL: www.ibmbs.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=30 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=23
Palmistry-Rank = 102.30% (CONTENT: '99% hand analysis, 1% biometrics')
Kae Schreiber, HOME: Palm Springs - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Intuitive Palmistry' - URL: www.inspirationandhope.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=18 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=5
Palmistry-Rank = 102.20% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Kay Packard, HOME: Three Rivers - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Hand Factor with Kay Packard' - URL: www.handfactor.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=17 + Alexa Reach=0.000003% | NO.PAGES=16
Palmistry-Rank = 102.19% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Hart de Fouw, HOME: San Rafael - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Ancient Traditions' - URL: www.hartdefouw.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=17 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=10
Palmistry-Rank = 102.18% (CONTENT: '99% hand analysis, 1% jyotish')
Laura Kennedy, HOME: Oakland - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Laura Kennedy - Hand analysis, palmistry...' - URL: www.handsecrets.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=16 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 102.18% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Orna Banarie, HOME: Los Angeles - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Orna Banarie hand reading, Los...' - URL: www.lifepurposelifelesson.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=14 + Alexa Reach=0.000001% | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry-Rank = 102.15% (including CONTENT: '100% hand reading')
Leean Lester, HOME: Gold Bar (Washington), USA 
TITLE: 'The palmistry lady' - URL: www.thepalmistrylady.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=11 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=19
Palmistry-Rank = 102.10% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Darlene Denning, HOME: Plymouth - Michigan, USA 
TITLE: 'Palm readings by Darlene' - URL: www.palmreadingbydarlene.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=2 + Alexa Reach=0.000001% | NO.PAGES=4
Palmistry-Rank = 102.03% (including CONTENT: '100% palm reading')
Judy Gardner, HOME: Pleasanton (California), USA 
TITLE: 'Gardner school of scientific palmistry' - URL: www.palmistryschool.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=3 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=12
Palmistry-Rank = 102.02% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Jennifer Boyer, HOME: Washington D.C. - Virginia, USA 
TITLE: 'The Simian Line' - URL: www.jenniferboyer.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=20 + Alexa Reach=0.00019% | NO.PAGES=178
Palmistry-Rank = 101.91% (including CONTENT: '97% palmistry, 3% cranio stenosis + anosmia + self injury')
Stacy Davenport, HOME: Austin - Texas, USA 
TITLE: 'Quantum living now' - URL: www.stacydavenport.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=47 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=33
Palmistry-Rank = 101.44% (CONTENT: '99% hand analysis, 1% feng shui')
Mrs. Lee, HOME: Tustin - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Psychic, palm reader, card reading' - URL: www.mrsleespalmreader.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=28 + Alexa Reach=0.000015% | NO.PAGES=3
Palmistry-Rank = 101.43% (CONTENT: '99% palm reading, 1% psychic')
Jason G. Bernard, HOME: Montreal, Canada 
TITLE: 'Sun Tarot' - URL: www.suntarot.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=36 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry-Rank = 101.36% (CONTENT: '98% palmistry, 2% tarot + astrology')
Alan Annand, HOME: Toronto - Ontario, Canada 
TITLE: 'Vedic astrology & palmistry' - URL: www.navamsa.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=1 + Yahoo Ext.BL=25 + Alexa Reach=0.000009% | NO.PAGES=77
Palmistry-Rank = 101.27% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Deborah Voith, HOME: Milwaukee - Winconsin, USA 
TITLE: 'Bewitchingbee Magical Supply' - URL: www.bewitchingbee.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=18 + Alexa Reach=0.000012% | NO.PAGES=61
Palmistry-Rank = 101.24% (CONTENT: '98% palmistry, 2% magical supply + witchcraft')
Nancy J. Cullen, HOME: Columbus - Ohio, USA 
TITLE: 'Nancy J. Cullen - Professional psychic' - URL: www.njcullen.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=25 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=46
Palmistry-Rank = 101.21% (including CONTENT: '99% palmistry, 1% psychic')
Cathy Catlin, HOME: Surprise (Arizona), USA 
TITLE: 'The soul detective' - URL: www.thesouldetective.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=1 + Yahoo Ext.BL=9 + Alexa Reach=0.000004% | NO.PAGES=4
Palmistry-Rank = 101.13% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Sheila van Houten, HOME: Richfield - Minnesota, USA 
TITLE: 'Palm reading worldwide' - URL: www.sheilareadspalms.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=1 + Yahoo Ext.BL=8 + Alexa Reach=0.000005% | NO.PAGES=56
Palmistry-Rank = 101.08% (including CONTENT: '100% palm reading')
Vernon Mahabal, HOME: Los Angeles - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Palmistry Institute' - URL: www.palmistryinstitute.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=1 + Yahoo Ext.BL=7 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 101.07% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Angela Mattey, HOME: Grants Pass - Oregon, USA 
TITLE: 'The American Professional Palmistry...' - URL: www.palmistrylessons.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=1 + Yahoo Ext.BL=4 + Alexa Reach=0.000004% | NO.PAGES=33
Palmistry-Rank = 101.05% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Nikki Ragsdale, HOME: Hayward - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Hand analysis with Nikki Ragsdale' - URL: www.knowthyself.name
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=1 + Yahoo Ext.BL=3 + Alexa Reach=0.000001% | NO.PAGES=1
Palmistry-Rank = 101.04% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Doug Dyment, HOME: Sanfrancisco - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Doug Dyment: chiromancer' - URL: www.chiromancer.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=1 + Yahoo Ext.BL=4 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=1
Palmistry-Rank = 101.04% (including CONTENT: '100% chiromancy')
Jon Saint Germain, HOME: Bloomington - Indiana, USA 
TITLE: 'Jon Saint Germain's domain of the brain' - URL: www.jonsaintgermain.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=65 + Alexa Reach=0.000009% | NO.PAGES=59
Palmistry-Rank = 100.69% (CONTENT: '97% palmistry, 3% mind reading + hypnotism + magic')
Jim Barker, HOME: Seattle - Washington, USA 
TITLE: 'The devine hand palmistry' - URL: www.thedivinehand.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=0 + Yahoo Ext.BL=26 + Alexa Reach=0.000001% | NO.PAGES=5
Palmistry-Rank = 100.27% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Joanne Eve Fraelic, HOME: Portland - OR, Canada 
TITLE: 'Psychic, tarot & palm readings' - URL: www.psychicchoices.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=1 + Yahoo Ext.BL=20 + Alexa Reach=0.000004% | NO.PAGES=20
Palmistry-Rank = 100.22% (including CONTENT: '99% palmistry, 1% tarot')
Meredyth Hunt, HOME: Tiburon - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Map of the hand' - URL: www.mapofthehand.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=0 + Yahoo Ext.BL=12 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 100.12% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Margaret Klee, HOME: Houston - Texas, USA 
TITLE: 'Hand Sense - life purpose hand analysis' - URL: www.handsense.net
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=0 + Yahoo Ext.BL=1 + Alexa Reach=0.00001% | NO.PAGES=5
Palmistry-Rank = 100.11% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Peggy Sue Skipper, HOME: Houston - Texas, USA 
TITLE: 'Zapolutions' - URL: www.zapolutions.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=1 + Yahoo Ext.BL=5 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=10
Palmistry-Rank = 100.04% (CONTENT: '99% palmistry, 1% motivational speaker')
Mark Seltman, HOME: New York, USA 
TITLE: 'Mark Seltman - Hand analyst, palmistry...' - URL: www.markseltman.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=0 + Yahoo Ext.BL=3 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=15
Palmistry-Rank = 100.04% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Terry Linn Snider, HOME: San Francisco - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Full life consultant' - URL: fulllifeconsultant.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=0 + Yahoo Ext.BL=1 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=5
Palmistry-Rank = 100.01% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Jean Worth, HOME: New York, USA 
TITLE: 'Jean Worth - Global wellness' - URL: www.jeanworth.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=0 + Yahoo Ext.BL=1 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=3
Palmistry-Rank = 100.01% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Linda Barrette, HOME: Calgary - Alberta, Canada 
TITLE: 'Welcome to Palm Journeys' - URL: www.palmjourneys.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=0 + Yahoo Ext.BL=1 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=5
Palmistry-Rank = 100.01% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Art Basu, HOME: Edmonton - Alberta, Canada 
TITLE: 'For a future filled with love, peace...' - URL: www.astrology-psychic.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=30 + Alexa Reach=0.000018% | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 99.48% (CONTENT: '97% palm reading, 3% psychic + astrology + tarot')
Ursula Kur, HOME: Calgary - Alberta, Canada 
TITLE: 'Ursula Kur - Spiritualist, writer, artist' - URL: www.ursulakur.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=24 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=12
Palmistry-Rank = 99.25% (CONTENT: '97% palm reading, 3% spiritualist + writer + artist')
Abella Arthur, HOME: Toronto - Ontario, Canada 
TITLE: 'Know the way today - psychic tarot reader...' - URL: www.knowtheway.ca
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=39 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=153
Palmistry-Rank = 99.24% (CONTENT: '97% palmistry, 3% psychic + tarot + numerology')
Ellen Bone, HOME: Malta - Ohio, USA 
TITLE: 'Ellen Bone - Psychic & intuitive...' - URL: www.ellenbone.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=1 + Yahoo Ext.BL=15 + Alexa Reach=0.000005% | NO.PAGES=25
Palmistry-Rank = 99.18% (CONTENT: '98% palmistry, 2% psychic + psychometry')
Fay Bartley, HOME: Dandridge - Tennessee, USA 
TITLE: 'Visions by Fay' - URL: visionsbyfay.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=0 + Yahoo Ext.BL=2 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=5
Palmistry-Rank = 99.02% (CONTENT: '99% palm reading, 1% clairvoyant')
How is the Palmistry TOP 100 compiled?