Palmistry TOP 100 - 2009:
How is the Palmistry TOP 100 compiled?
The FORMER Palmistry TOP 100 (summer 2009):
- the following data was presented on september 27, 2009 -
Larry Rodrigues, HOME: Sacramento - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Free hand analysis and psychic center' - URL: www.handanalysis.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=205 + Alexa Reach=0.00043% | NO.PAGES=114
Palmistry-Rank = 110.24% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Kenneth Lagerstrom, HOME: Burnaby - British Columbia, Canada 
TITLE: 'HumanHand.com - Palmistry, cheirology...' - URL: www.humanhand.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=331 + Alexa Reach=0.00017% | NO.PAGES=97
Palmistry-Rank = 108.92% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Ghanshyam Singh Birla, HOME: Chénéville - Quebec, Canada 
TITLE: 'The Birla Center for Hast Jhyotish' - URL: www.palmistry.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=169 + Alexa Reach=0.00022% | NO.PAGES=154
Palmistry-Rank = 107.74% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Jack Trappe, HOME: Sandhausen, Germany 
TITLE: 'Astrologie und Chirologie' - URL: ostara.mareno.net
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=191 + Alexa Reach=0.000081% | NO.PAGES=72
Palmistry-Rank = 106.65% (including CONTENT: '100% chirologie')
Arnold Holtzman, HOME: Yehud, Israel 
TITLE: 'Psychodiagnostic Chirology' - URL: www.pdc.co.il
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=161 + Alexa Reach=0.000036% | NO.PAGES=38
Palmistry-Rank = 105.94% (including CONTENT: '100% chirology')
Sue Compton, HOME: Warwick, England 
TITLE: 'Palmistry International' - URL: www.palmistryinternational.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=97 + Alexa Reach=0.0008% | NO.PAGES=40
Palmistry-Rank = 105.73% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Richard Unger &
Alana Unger, HOME: Tiburon - California, USA 
TITLE: 'International Institute of Hand Analysis' - URL: www.handanalysis.net
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=147 + Alexa Reach=0.000027% | NO.PAGES=139
Palmistry-Rank = 105.61% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
F. Cappelle, HOME: Amsterdam, NL 
TITLE: 'Palmistry - primal focus' - URL: www.dse.nl/~frvc/palmistry/
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=148 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=8
Palmistry-Rank = 105.48% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Ed Campbell, HOME: Seattle - Washington, USA 
TITLE: 'Edward D. Campbell - Lawyer, hand analyst...' - URL: www.edcampbell.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=27 + Alexa Reach=0.00012% | NO.PAGES=17
Palmistry-Rank = 105.46% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Beth Davis, HOME: Tucson - Arizona, USA 
TITLE: 'Beth Davis - Are you ready to...' - URL: www.handanalyst.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=183 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=121
Palmistry-Rank = 104.71% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Jena Griffiths, HOME: Sternenberg, Switzerland 
TITLE: 'Hand analysis online' - URL: www.handanalysisonline.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=34 + Alexa Reach=0.00025% | NO.PAGES=121
Palmistry-Rank = 104.47% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Magda van Dijk, HOME: Bodegraven, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Universele Handleeskunde' - URL: www.magdavandijk.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=56 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=133
Palmistry-Rank = 104.43% (including CONTENT: '100% handleeskunde')
Ronelle Coburn, HOME: Oakland - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Ronelle Coburn - Decoding your destiny' - URL: www.ronellecoburn.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=31 + Alexa Reach=0.000017% | NO.PAGES=66
Palmistry-Rank = 104.42% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Galina Soroka, HOME: Petropavlovsk - Russia 
TITLE: 'Russian professional palmistry' - URL: www.iks.ru/~soroka
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=50 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=141
Palmistry-Rank = 104.36% (including CONTENT: '100% hirologii)
Myrna Lou Goldbaum, HOME: Boulder - Colorado, USA 
TITLE: 'Palmistry by Myrna Lou' - URL: www.myrnaloupalmistry.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=117 + Alexa Reach=0.000011% | NO.PAGES=16
Palmistry-Rank = 104.27% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Martijn van Mensvoort, HOME: Asten, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Handanalyse.startpagina.nl' - URL: handanalyse.startpagina.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=24 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=1
Palmistry-Rank = 104.24% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
Leslie Zemenek, HOME: Victoria - British Columbia, Canada 
TITLE: 'AstroPalmistry - The astrology in your hand' - URL: www.astropalmistry.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=89 + Alexa Reach=0.000034% | NO.PAGES=23
Palmistry-Rank = 104.21% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Daya Nand & Nisha Ghai, HOME: New Delhi, India 
TITLE: 'Institute of Palmistry' - URL: www.instituteofpalmistry.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=82 + Alexa Reach=0.000046% | NO.PAGES=80
Palmistry-Rank = 104.20% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Liz Hallows, HOME: Paris, France 
TITLE: 'Hallows Handscapes Research' - URL: www.juliand.com/handscapes/
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=6 + Alexa Reach=0.00001% | NO.PAGES=8
Palmistry-Rank = 104.16% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Nagolov Yuri & Yevgeny, HOME: Moscow, Russia 
TITLE: 'Club Hiromant' - URL: www.clubhiromant.ru
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=55 + Alexa Reach=0.0001% | NO.PAGES=224
Palmistry-Rank = 104.05% (including CONTENT: '100% hirologii)
Wang Chenxia, HOME: Kunming - Yunnan, China 
TITLE: 'Palmprint Medicine' - URL: www.21ppm.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=89 + Alexa Reach=0.000032% | NO.PAGES=244
Palmistry-Rank = 103.97% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Peggie Arvidson, HOME: Arlington - Virginia, USA 
TITLE: 'Hand analyst, palmistry expert, life...' - URL: www.intuitiveevolution.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=72 + Alexa Reach=0.000023% | NO.PAGES=13
Palmistry-Rank = 103.94% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Lynn Seal, HOME: Torquay, England 
TITLE: 'Palmistry, hand analysis, palm reading...' - URL: www.handanalysis.co.uk
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=46 + Alexa Reach=0.00032% | NO.PAGES=19
Palmistry-Rank = 103.77% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Jen Hirsch, HOME: Cape Town, South Africa 
TITLE: 'Five Element Chirology' - URL: www.cheiro.co.za
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=75 + Alexa Reach=0.00000006% | NO.PAGES=41
Palmistry-Rank = 103.71% (including CONTENT: '100% chirology')
Kat Anders, HOME: Pocatello - Idaho, USA 
TITLE: 'Acurate palm readings in depth hand analysis' - URL: www.kosmickonnection.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=61 + Alexa Reach=0.000011% | NO.PAGES=46
Palmistry-Rank = 103.68% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Rebecca van Delden, HOME: Groningen, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Handsaam' - URL: www.handleeskunde.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=69 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=20
Palmistry-Rank = 103.67% (including CONTENT: '100% handleeskunde')
Pat F., HOME: Singapore City - Singapore 
TITLE: 'Palmistry World' - URL: www.palmistryworld.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=30 + Alexa Reach=0.000038% | NO.PAGES=24
Palmistry-Rank = 103.66% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Thanu Pillay, HOME: San Francisco - OR, USA 
TITLE: 'Welcome to palmistry learning center' - URL: www.palmistry.org
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=48 + Alexa Reach=0.000016% | NO.PAGES=22
Palmistry-Rank = 103.62% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Madame Carolyn, HOME: Chaska - Minnesota, USA 
TITLE: 'Madam Carolyn - Psychic palmist' - URL: www.madamcarolyn.comm
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=61 + Alexa Reach=0.000003% | NO.PAGES=24
Palmistry-Rank = 103.62% (including CONTENT: '100% palm reading')
MTrue, HOME: Port Charlotte - Florida, USA 
TITLE: 'MTrue's mystery palm of the week' - URL: www.mysterypalm.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=55 + Alexa Reach=0.00001% | NO.PAGES=25
Palmistry-Rank = 103.60% (including CONTENT: '100% palm reading')
Edo Sprong, HOME: Almere, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Academie Antropodynamica' - URL: www.antropodynamica.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=60 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=45
Palmistry-Rank = 103.58% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
Johnny Fincham, HOME: Kirby Bedon, England 
TITLE: 'Chirology, palmistry, hand reading...' - URL: www.johnnyfincham.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=53 + Alexa Reach=0.000018% | NO.PAGES=140
Palmistry-Rank = 103.57% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Sue Compton, HOME: Warwick, England 
TITLE: 'International Palmistry Community Forums' - URL: internationalcollegeofpalmistry.com/forum/
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=10 + Alexa Reach=0.00006% | NO.PAGES=141
Palmistry-Rank = 103.56% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Pamelah Landers, HOME: Santa Rosa - California, USA 
TITLE: 'The hands on company' - URL: www.handsoncompany.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=34 + Alexa Reach=0.000021% | NO.PAGES=41
Palmistry-Rank = 103.51% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Nicole Versteeg, HOME: Amsterdam, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Handlezen, auralezen...' - URL: www.nicoleversteeg.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=48 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=12
Palmistry-Rank = 103.49% (including CONTENT: '100% handlezen')
Ellen Duim, HOME: Amsterdam, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Ellen Duim - Handlijnkunde & coaching' - URL: www.ellenduim.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=45 + Alexa Reach=0.000001% | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry-Rank = 103.46% (including CONTENT: '100% handlijnkunde')
Robin Gile, HOME: Albuquerque - New Mexico, USA 
TITLE: 'Palm & tarot reading | The idiot's guide to palmistry' - URL: www.robingilepalmistry.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=44 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=37
Palmistry-Rank = 103.39% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Dmitry Karabetskiy, HOME: Karaganda, Kazakhstan 
TITLE: 'Mysterious world of chiromancy' - URL: www.chiromancyonline.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=25 + Alexa Reach=0.000015% | NO.PAGES=22
Palmistry-Rank = 103.38% (including CONTENT: '100% chiromancy')
Tatiana Andreevna, HOME: Omsk, Russia 
TITLE: 'Xiromantia' - URL: profxiromantia.narod.ru
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=38 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=10
Palmistry-Rank = 103.37% (including CONTENT: '100% xiromantia')
Brigitte Brun Fassler, HOME: Zürich, Switzerland 
TITLE: 'Handanalyse - Chirologie..: beratung' - URL: www.brun-handanalyse.ch
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=37 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=22
Palmistry-Rank = 103.35% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
Corina Broeze, HOME: Ommen, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Handleven' - URL: www.handleven.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=34 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=15
Palmistry-Rank = 103.33% (including CONTENT: '100% handleeskunde')
Tania Dringelstein, HOME: Reichenbach, Germany 
TITLE: 'Seherweib' - URL: www.seherweib.de
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=32 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=16
Palmistry-Rank = 103.31% (including CONTENT: '100% handlesen')
Teza Gregersen, HOME: Karlslunde, Denmark 
TITLE: 'Teza Håndlæsning' - URL: www.teza.dk
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=31 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=10
Palmistry-Rank = 103.30% (including CONTENT: '100% håndlæsning')
Lura McCallum, HOME: Duncan - British Columbia, Canada 
TITLE: 'Lura is a world renowned psychic tarot reader' - URL: tarotpalmreading.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=24 + Alexa Reach=0.000005% | NO.PAGES=23
Palmistry-Rank = 103.27% (including CONTENT: '100% palm reading')
Marianne de Haan, HOME: Breda, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Handlijnkunde & handanalyse Breda' - URL: www.handlezen-breda.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=27 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=10
Palmistry-Rank = 103.26% (including CONTENT: '100% handlijnkunde')
Janet Savage, HOME: Stowe - Vermont, USA 
TITLE: 'Hand Tales - Life purpose hand analysis' - URL: www.handtales.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=22 + Alexa Reach=0.000007% | NO.PAGES=36
Palmistry-Rank = 103.26% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Cynthia Siegers, HOME: Rotterdam, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Inner flower choaching & training' - URL: www.innerflower.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=22 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=8
Palmistry-Rank = 103.22% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
Gary Markwick, HOME: London, England 
TITLE: 'Palmistry in hand' - URL: www.palmistryinhand.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=24 + Alexa Reach=0.000007% | NO.PAGES=103
Palmistry-Rank = 103.21% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Roberta Coker, HOME: Santa Rosa - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Hand Dynamics' - URL: www.handdynamics.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=21 + Alexa Reach=0.000001% | NO.PAGES=32
Palmistry-Rank = 103.19% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Johan Jonk, HOME: Ilpendam, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Johand's handlees service' - URL: www.johand.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=16 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=15
Palmistry-Rank = 103.17% (including CONTENT: '100% handleeskunde')
Miranda van Wijk, HOME: Hengelo, Nederland 
TITLE: 'In de hand' - URL: www.indehand.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=18 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=18
Palmistry-Rank = 103.17% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Francisco Rodriguez, HOME: Barcelona, Spain 
TITLE: 'Quiromania: Francisco Rodriguez' - URL: www.quiromania.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=18 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=23
Palmistry-Rank = 103.16% (including CONTENT: '100% quiromancia')
Marsha van der Westen, HOME: Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
TITLE: 'In handen geschreven' - URL: www.inhandengeschreven.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=16 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 103.16% (including CONTENT: '100% handlijnkunde')
Mark T. Wexler, HOME: Reno - Nevada, USA 
TITLE: 'Palmistry and tarot card...' - URL: www.palmistryandtarotreadings.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=16 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 103.16% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Sigridur Fridriksdottir, HOME: Nørre Alslev, Denmark 
TITLE: 'Clairvoyant håndlæsning og healing' - URL: www.sigridur.dk
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=20 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=57
Palmistry-Rank = 103.15% (including CONTENT: '100% håndlæsning')
Patti Lightflower, HOME: Mainville - Ohio, USA 
TITLE: 'I read hands - palmistry' - URL: www.ireadhands.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=15 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=5
Palmistry-Rank = 103.15% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Kathy Dannel Vitcak, HOME: Pinewood - Minnesota, USA 
TITLE: 'The secret in my hand' - URL: thesecretinyourhands.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=21 + Alexa Reach=0.000004% | NO.PAGES=118
Palmistry-Rank = 103.14% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Silva DuRy, FROM: Den Haag, The Netherlands 
TITLE: 'Handlijnkunde & Astrologie' - URL: www.silvadury.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=13 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry-Rank = 103.13% (including CONTENT: '100% handlijnkunde')
Maaike IJspeert, FROM: Enschede, The Netherlands 
TITLE: 'Hekata - Centrum voor spirituele...' - URL: members.home.nl/maaike-ijspeert/
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=13 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=4
Palmistry-Rank = 103.13% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
Elizabeth Bothwell, HOME: Portland - Oregon, USA 
TITLE: 'Transpersonal consulting and hand analysis' - URL: www.lizbothwell.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=12 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 103.12% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Martine Werensteijn, FROM: De Meern, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Krachtlijn' - URL: www.krachtlijn.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=11 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry-Rank = 103.11% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
Valerija Brkljac, HOME: Milan, Italy 
TITLE: 'Zampa.net - mani famose' - URL: www.zampa.net
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=36 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=268
Palmistry-Rank = 103.10% (including CONTENT: '100% quirologia')
Marieke Ratsma, HOME: Haarlem, The Netherlands 
TITLE: 'Handanalyse Haarlem' - URL: www.handanalysehaarlem.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=10 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry-Rank = 103.10% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
Saya Deva, HOME: Yangon, Myanmar 
TITLE: 'Saya Deva - Palmist and astrologer' - URL: www.sayadeva.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=9 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=5
Palmistry-Rank = 103.09% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Mieke van Ooik, HOME: Amersfoort, The Netherlands 
TITLE: 'Praktijk voor Diagnostische Handanalyse' - URL: www.miekevanooik.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=9 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 103.09% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
Cat McGuire, HOME: New York, USA 
TITLE: 'Cat McGuire palmistry' - URL: www.catmcguire.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=8 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry-Rank = 103.08% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Francis Tomson, HOME: Amstelveen, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Handreiking' - URL: www.francishandreiking.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=9 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=14
Palmistry-Rank = 103.08% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
Birgitta Birath, HOME: Skärholmen, Sweden 
TITLE: 'Handanalys & kinesiologi' - URL: www.birgittabirath.se
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=7 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry-Rank = 103.07% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalys')
Adele Birnbauer, HOME: Deutsch Wagram, Austria 
TITLE: 'Adele Birnbauer' - URL: www.frag-adele.info
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=6 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry-Rank = 103.06% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Carla Bronkhorst, HOME: Cappelle a/d IJssel, Nederland 
TITLE: 'Diagnostische Handanalyse' - URL: www.carlabronkhorst.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=6 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=1
Palmistry-Rank = 103.06% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
René Elshout, HOME: Breda, Nederland 
TITLE: 'René Elshout Handanalyse' - URL: www.handanalyse.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=6 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=9
Palmistry-Rank = 103.06% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
Claire Savard, HOME: Quebec City, Canada 
TITLE: 'Votre avenir par Claire Savard' - URL: www.rencontrevoyance.cjb.net
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=5 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 103.05% (including CONTENT: '100% chirologie')
Karl Heinz Heidrich, HOME: Bremerhaven, Germany 
TITLE: 'Der Handleser aus Bremerhaven' - URL: www.derhandleser.de
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=11 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=98
Palmistry-Rank = 103.04% (including CONTENT: '100% handlesen')
Ellen McBride, HOME: Kitchener - Ontario, Canada 
TITLE: 'Personal power palmistry' - URL: www.personalpowerpalmistry.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=3 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=3
Palmistry-Rank = 103.03% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Eran Maresse & Yehudit Rostowicz, HOME: Ramat Gan, Israel 
TITLE: 'Kafyeda - The Israeli center for biometric analysis' - URL: www.kafyeda.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=4 + Yahoo Ext.BL=15 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=122
Palmistry-Rank = 103.03% (including CONTENT: '99% chirology, 1% biometry')
Patrick Rouillier, HOME: Paris, France 
TITLE: 'La chirologie moderne' - URL: assochiro.free.fr
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=7 + Alexa Reach=0.000036% | NO.PAGES=58
Palmistry-Rank = 103.02% (including CONTENT: '100% chirologie')
Martijn van Mensvoort, HOME: Asten, The Netherlands 
TITLE: 'Handresearch: handlezen & handanalyse onderzoek' - URL: www.handresearch.nl
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=10 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=131
Palmistry-Rank = 102.97% (including CONTENT: '100% handlezen')
Enrique Coria, CIUDAD: Buenos Aires, Argentina 
TÍTULO: 'Dr. Enrique Coria - Parapsicólogo' - URL: www.enriquecoria.com.ar
POPULARIDAD STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=99 + Alexa Reach=0.000007% | NO.PAGINAS=128
Quiromancia-Rank = 102.94% (CONTENIDO: '99% quirologia, 1% parapsicología')
Peter Filis, HOME: Sydney, Australia 
TITLE: 'Dr. Peter Filis - Numerologist, Palmist...' - URL: www.psychicpower.com.au
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=298 + Alexa Reach=0.000013% | NO.PAGES=95
Palmistry-Rank = 102.93% (CONTENT: '97% palmistry, 3% psychic + numerology + tarot')
Saito Sei, HOME: Tokyo - Kanto, Japan 
TITLE: 'Chirology & Palmistry' - URL: www.saitosei.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=61 + Alexa Reach=0.000039% | NO.PAGES=137
Palmistry-Rank = 102.87% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Yana Migal, HOME: Kharkov, Ukraine 
TITLE: 'Hiromantia' - URL: www.hiromant.org
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=138 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=538
Palmistry-Rank = 102.85% (including CONTENT: '100% hiromantia')
Frederique Herel, HOME: Oakville - Ontario, USA 
TITLE: 'Palmistry based counselling' - URL: home.cogeco.ca/~fherel/
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=8 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=230
Palmistry-Rank = 102.85% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Annika Ek, HOME: Ottawa, Canada 
TITLE: 'TrulyU hand analysis' - URL: www.trulyu.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=77 + Alexa Reach=0.000011% | NO.PAGES=46
Palmistry-Rank = 102.84% (including CONTENT: '100% hand analysis')
Manfred Magg, HOME: Aichwald, Germany 
TITLE: 'Handlesen, chirologie: hand und horoskop' - URL: www.handlesen.de
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=38 + Alexa Reach=0.000036% | NO.PAGES=19
Palmistry-Rank = 102.73% (including CONTENT: '100% handlesen')
Andi Singh, HOME: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 
TITLE: 'A world of predictions' - URL: www.andihoroscopes.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=71 + Alexa Reach=0.000025 | NO.PAGES=293
Palmistry-Rank = 102.67% (including CONTENT: '100% hiromantia')
Paul Bles, HOME: Rijen (bij Breda), Nederland 
TITLE: 'Handanalyse, handlezen, handleeskunde...' - URL: www.pbles.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=64 + Alexa Reach=0.000003% | NO.PAGES=66
Palmistry-Rank = 102.61% (including CONTENT: '100% handanalyse')
Chandrra Devi, HOME: Bangalore, India 
TITLE: 'World famous astrologer, astropalmist...' - URL: www.shivashakkti.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=342 + Alexa Reach=0.000023% | NO.PAGES=106
Palmistry-Rank = 102.59% (CONTENT: '98% palmistry, 2% astrology + numerology')
Boris Astafiev, HOME: St. Petersburg - Russia 
TITLE: 'Palm school Russia' - URL: www.palm-school.ru
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=13 + Alexa Reach=0.000044% | NO.PAGES=29
Palmistry-Rank = 102.55% (including CONTENT: '100% hiromantia')
F. Cappelle, HOME: Amsterdam, NL presents:
TITLE: 'Headlines on human hands' - URL: handlines.blogspot.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=46 + Alexa Reach=0.000003% | NO.PAGES=70
Palmistry-Rank = 102.46% (including CONTENT: '99% palmistry, 1% hands')
Klaus Adams, HOME: Düsseldorf, Germany 
TITLE: 'Handlesen - Chirosophie, chirologie...' - URL: www.handlesen-portal.de
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=27 + Alexa Reach=0.000034% | NO.PAGES=160
Palmistry-Rank = 102.46% (including CONTENT: '100% handlesen')
Kianna Smith, HOME: Austin - Texas, USA 
TITLE: 'Palm reading online by PalmReport' - URL: www.palmreport.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=16 + Alexa Reach=0.00003% | NO.PAGES=34
Palmistry-Rank = 102.43% (including CONTENT: '100% palm reading')
Per Jan Neergaard, HOME: Copenhagen, Denmark 
TITLE: 'Kirologisk Institut' - URL: www.perjan.dk
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=39 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 102.39% (including CONTENT: '100% håndlæsning')
Prof. Sasi Velupillai, HOME: Los Angeles - California, USA 
TITLE: 'Professor Sasi - psychic palmist of India' - URL: www.professorsasi.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=24 + Alexa Reach=0.000014% | NO.PAGES=6
Palmistry-Rank = 102.38% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Johan Hjelmborg, HOME: Roskilde, Denmark 
TITLE: 'Astrologi - hora shastra - palmistry - cheirology...' - URL: www.stellium.dk
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=45 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=96
Palmistry-Rank = 102.36% (including CONTENT: '100% palmistry')
Jan & Andrei Sinikov, HOME: Saint Petersburg & Moscow, Russia 
TITLE: 'Hiromant' - URL: www.hiromant.org
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=90 + Alexa Reach=- | NO.PAGES=497
Palmistry-Rank = 102.31% (including CONTENT: '100% hiromantia')
Anne Marie Danefeldt, HOME: Horsens, Denmark 
TITLE: 'Kiromantiker Anne Marie Danefeldt' - URL: www.annemariedanefeldt.dk
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=2 + Yahoo Ext.BL=21 + Alexa Reach=0.000009% | NO.PAGES=7
Palmistry-Rank = 102.30% (including CONTENT: '100% kiromanti')
Ed Campbell, HOME: Seattle - Washington, USA 
TITLE: 'International Behavioral and Medical Biometric...' - URL: www.ibmbs.com
POPULARITY STATS: Google PR=3 + Yahoo Ext.BL=30 + Alexa Reach=0.000002% | NO.PAGES=23
Palmistry-Rank = 102.30% (CONTENT: '99% hand analysis, 1% biometrics')