- Global Hand Reading Network -
Hand Reading expert in Taiwan: 1 hand reader! 

- MAP: Hand readers in Taiwan -
Stars behind the expert names represent the following credibility marks:
* = Photo available
* = Website available
* = (Youtube) video available
* = Course available
* = Author of book(s)
* = Linkpartner
* = Top 100 books voter
* = Advanced Profile available
* = Accredited by an organization
Hand readers, hand analysts, palmists, chirologists & palm readers living in Taiwan:
» Taipei:
• Mary Lai **
Common synonyms for hand reading are:
palm reading, palmistry, hand analysis & chirology
International hand reading experts:
Global Hand Reading Network
Hand reading news from Taiwan:

April, 2014:
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test has it's origins in Taiwan!
DMIT appears to have started in Taiwan in 1994.

April, 2014:
Look Into Your Future: Fortune Telling at Long Shan Temple (Taipei)
The three most popular types of readings, available at most offices, are the 'batsu' method, the palm reading method, and the bird method.
More hand reading news available here:
Hand reading news: 300+ reports!