Astrology - Reading the Planetary Signs:
Astrology is the art of interpreting the meaning of the planetary signs of a person at their place and time of birth. Several systems exist; most specifically Sun Sign astrology, and Moon sign astrology. These systems classify a person based on their Astrological sign, their primary personality type, and then to a lesser extent, the influences of the other planets based on their positions at birth.
Numerology - Reading the Number Vibration at Birth:
Numerology is the art of interpreting a person's name and birth date as a series of numeric values, corresponding to various wave lengths or vibrations as we know them.
Each person has a primary Life Path number, determined by the fadic addition of their Gregorian birth date. Other elements of their personality are then determined by the combinations of vowels and consonants in their use name.
Constance - the Linking thread:
The one thing these great systems of divination have that sets them apart from the Tarot, Runes, and other forms of divination, is that the reading is based on constant unchanging factors thought a person's life. Every tarot reading you have done will change, in response to different cards. No Rune casting will be identical with the last one. But your Hands will not change; and your name and Birth Date will not change.
The readings you get from Palmistry, Astrology, and Numerology will tend to not address specific questions you may ask about your current needs, rather they will give you answers to Life; how you approach it, and what it has in store for you.
Source: Numerologyadvisor.com
Keith Abbott is the developer and owner of 'Numerology 4 You' where you can order your own Numerology reading, including your personal Lucky Numbers. Visit him on the web today at http://www.numerology4you.com