October 15 is Global Hand Washing Day!
- HandResearch.com presents an overview of global resources related to 'hand hygiene'-
'hands on hand hygiene':

Oct. 15: Global Hand Washing Day
The campaign started in the year 2008 in cooperation with the United Nations
10 Hand hygiene commandments
10 Reminders for keeping your hands proper
_ & permanently clean
WHO: 'save lives, clean your hands'
World Health Organization: hand hygiene
_ primary measure to reduce infections
A kiss is healthier than a handshake
Research by Prof Sally Bloomfield recommends
_ 'social kissing' on cheek, above hand shaking
Handwashing for kids - 'Crawford the cat':
Doctor Komoroff talks washing hands
Washing hands is simple task, but you've got to do it-right
'It's in your hands' - A rather impressive Global Hand Washing short film from India:
Hand hygiene: best H1N1 prevention?
New research points out to spread of the Mexican flu virus beyond body-contact!
Barack Obama says 'wash your hands!'
What do governments recommmend for swine flu prevention?
Hand washing doesn't stop H1N1 virus!
Canadian research: personal hygiene & face masks can help prevent spread of swine flu
US Church: 'no hand shake, no wine!'
Los Angeles priests stopped practice of offering wine to halt germs spread during sacrament
Priest in Brazil: no hold/shaking hands
Brazilian priest Roberto Francisco Daniel says: no hold hands while saying the Lord's Prayer
_ Warm air dryers, more hand bacteria
_ Research points out: warm air dryers increase
_ spread of bacteria on your hands
Hygreen hand hygiene solution
An 'intelligent'wireless hand hygiene system,
_ used in hospitals & health care
Wash your hands with hands!
The Foliage Handsoap set is completely
handmade with loving hands.
Mauritius schools: 'hand wash talk'
Ministry of Health launched a 'national wash campgain' to limit H1N1 influenza A virus
Global swine flu map
Official & unofficial swine flu & H1N1 influenze A data powered with google maps!