- Hand, Skin & Hair News & Reports -

Hands, Skin & Hairs reports
[2017-2003]: 11 reports!

Decoding The language of the hand:
how to find 36 conditions with just 54 major hand signs! Eindhoven, NL - October 11, 2016:
Decoding The language of the hand: how to find 38 conditions with just 54 major hand signs!
The hand in Psoriasis! Eindhoven, NL - March 21, 2011:
The hand in Psoriasis!
Hand projections demonstrate how anorexia works! London - July 20, 2010:
Hand projections demonstrate how anorexia works!
SLIDESHOW – The many faces of eczema in hands!. New York, US - June 9, 2010:
SLIDESHOW - The many faces of eczema in hands!
7 Hand characteristics in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Yehud - May 28, 2010:
7 Hand characteristics in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder + the hands of Hollywood actress Megan Fox!

Hands on cancer: palmar keratosis. Eindhoven - November 24, 2009:
Hand characteristics & cancer:
'Palmar keratosis' is more often seen in various types of cancer!
Hands on cancer: tripe palms & skin conditions. Eindhoven - August 11, 2009:
Hand characteristics & cancer - How hand palm characteristics may reveal various type of cancers!
Discover 20 skin-facts you didn't know. Boulder, Colorado - February 16, 2009
Discover 20 skin-facts you didn't know:
including hands, fingerprints & dermatoglyphics!
Can palm reading pick up ovarian cancer? London - September 21, 2008:
Can palm reading pick up ovarian cancer?
Hands glow in the darky! Iwata - September 7, 2005:
Hands glow in the darky!
Neanderthals had hands like ours. Southampton - March 27, 2003:
Neanderthals 'had hands like ours'

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