Hand Shape variations in 14 US presidents
JANUARY 27, 2017

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Republicans more firm than Democrats! |
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After an earlier 2008-report about the hands of 10 US presidents, a brand new assessment is presented here involving the hand shape of 14 US presidents - going back from Donald Trump to Franklin Roosevelt, covering the past 8 decades in US politics!
An analysis presented at the bottom of this article points out the typical US presidential hands are featured with:
- broad palms that result in an overall broad hand shape (brachycheir);
- long pinky & ring finger combined with normal middle- and index finger length;
- proximal-thenar crease connection (head line connected with life line) combined with a long strong sun line in the palmar zone below the ring finger + a Sydney line;
- left-handedness is also very common.
Interestingly, it appears that in the earlier days US presidents used to have what is known in the field of palmistry as an 'air hand shape' [featured with the combination involving: broad palm + long fingers], however... this typical characteristic is missing in the last 7 presidents.
Finally, it is also stricking to notice that the hands of Republican presidents (red zone) show signs of more 'firmness' compared to the Democratic presidents (blue zone) - the picture displayed above shows that Democratics (blue zone) clearly have more finger length + a slight tendency towards a more narrow palm!

Donald Trump's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Very/extraordinary broad hand [PB/HL: 0,500 = brachycheir/hyperbrachycheir], featured with:
- ad1: extraordinary broad palm [PB/PL=0,875])
- ad2: slightly short finger length [FL/HL: 0,429 = slightly long, FL/PL: 0,751 = slightly short, FL/PB: 0,858 = extraordinary short]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,97 (= normal for a white American male)
Quick summary of Donald Trump's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: broad palm shape (wide for a male);
- Both hands: normal finger length;
- Both hands: dynamic shaped short thumb featured with 'waisted' 2nd phalange;
- Both hands: normal index finger length;
- Both hands: normal ring finger;
- Both hands: long pinky finger length;
- Both hands: normal '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease].
KEY FACTORS: Trump has Air/Earth hand shape combined with dominant pinky finger (+ weak thumb) & he has 7 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
Donald Trump has the smallest finger length (FL) to palm length (PL) ratio of the last 14 US presidents. Combined with his extraordinary broad palm his overall hand shape can be described to represent the most 'firm' hand shape of all, because his PB/PL ratio even exceeds his FL/PL ratio with the highest amount of all 14 presidents - which indirectly points in the direction of a typical characteristic seen in so-called 'elementary/practical/earth hands' - though Trump's general finger length appears slightly too long to get associated with these hand types directly!
Nevertheless, the constellation involving his 5 fingers in isolation presents a relatively balanced combination with just a long pinky + short thumb; technically, therefore his pinky might be recognized to represent the most dominant finger-factor.
[NOTICE: In palmistry the pinky finger often gets associated with the Roman god Mercury, "the patron god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence (and thus poetry), messages/communication (including divination), travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery and thieves; he is also the guide of souls to the underworld"]
• Into the hands of Donald Trump!
• Hand shape variations in 10 musculine men - featuring Donald Trump!

Barack Obama's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Slightly narrow hand [PB/HL: 0,441 = dolichocheir/mesocheir], featured with:
- ad1: slightly narrow palm shape [PB/PL=0,775] (= narrow for a male)
- ad2: slightly long finger length [FL/HL: 0,432 = slightly long, FL/PL: 0,759 = slightly short, FL/PB: 0,979 = slightly long]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,93 (= slightly low for an Afro-American male)
Quick summary of Barack Obama's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: normal palm shape (narrow for a male);
- Both hands: normal finger length;
- Both hands: normal index finger length, low set;
- Both hands: long ring finger;
- Both hands: normal pinky finger length;
- Both hands: (slightly) low '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: second thumb phalange is 'waisted'; right hand: distal phalange bend inward;
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] disconnected from life line [= thenar crease];
- Both hands: strong sun line.
KEY FACTORS: Obama has Water/Fire hand shape combined with dominant ring finger & he has 8 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
Barack Obama has the most narrow hand of the last 14 US presidents, and he has the 2nd most narrow palm (PB/PL) + he also has the 2nd highest FL/PB value - which shows that his palm breadth is relatively small compared to both his palm length and finger length. His overall hand shape can therefore be described to represent the most 'delicate' hand shape of all - which can be recognized to represent sort of the opposite of Trump's hand shape! This indirectly points in the direction of a typical characteristic seen in so-called 'psychic/sensitive/metal/water hands'!
Nevertheless, the constellation involving his 5 fingers in isolation presents a relatively balanced combination with just a long ring finger; technically, therefore his ring finger might be recognized to represent the most dominant finger-factor - featured with a low digit ratio (possibly due to Obama's delicate hand shape his low 2d:4d digit ratio should not get associated with agression and other primitive behaviors).
[NOTICE: In the perspective of 'primatology palm reading' the ring finger e.g. became recognized being associated with an "atavistic or primitive nature" because of it's dominance in prosimian primates (where the 4th digit is longer than the 3rd digit); but there is also a coin-side to that, because in palmistry the ring finger often gets associated with one of the most important Olympian diets in Greek and Roman mythology: Apollo, "a god of music, truth and prophecy, healing, the sun and light, plague, poetry, and more"]
• Barack Obama hand file 2008
• Barack Obama: 'the hand of power'
• The fist bump: Barack Obama's sporty greeting
• Barack Obama is the 7th left-handed US president!
• PsychoDiagnostic Chirology - Barack Hussein Obama
• Palm reader Gary Markwick about Barack Obama's hands

George W. Bush's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Very broad hand [PB/HL: 0,482 = brachycheir], featured with:
- ad1: slightly broad palm [PB/PL=0,822])
- ad2: very short finger length [FL/HL: 0,415 = very short, FL/PL: 0,708 = very short, FL/PB: 0,861 = extraordinary short]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,94 (= low for a white American male)
Quick summary of George W. Bush's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: normal palm shape (left: large fleshy hypothenar/mount of moon);
- Both hands: short finger length;
- Both hands: normal index finger length;
- Both hands: slightly long ring finger;
- Both hands: long pinky finger length;
- Both hands: low '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: strong thumb, second phalange is only slightly 'waisted';
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease].
KEY FACTORS: G.W. Bush has Earth/Fire hand shape combined with dominant pinky finger & he has only 6 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
• George W. Bush hand file 2008

Bill Clinton's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Slightly narrow hand [PB/HL: 0,447 = mesocheir], featured with:
- ad1: normal palm shape [PB/PL=0,786] (= slightly narrow for a male)
- ad2: slightly long finger length [FL/HL: 0,431 = slightly long, FL/PL: 0,759 = slightly short, FL/PB: 0,965 = slightly long]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,96 (= normal for a white American male)
Quick summary of Bill Clinton's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: normal palm shape (large thenar/mount of venus);
- Both hands: normal finger length;
- Both hands: slightly long index finger;
- Both hands: long ring finger;
- Both hands: (slightly) long pinky finger;
- Both hands: normal '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: second thumb phalange is 'waisted';
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease];
- Both hands: strong sun line;
- Right hand: fate line (vertical palm line) connected to life line (thenar crease);
- Left hand: double head line.
KEY FACTORS: Clinton has Water/Fire hand shape combined with slightly dominant ring finger & he has 8 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
• Bill Clinton hand file 2008
• The hand of Hillary Clinton!
• The real Hillary Clinton - polarizing hands!

George H.W. Bush's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Slightly narrow hand [PB/HL: 0,450 = mesocheir], featured with:
- ad1: slightly narrow palm [PB/PL=0,763])
- ad2: very short finger length [FL/HL: 0,410 = very short, FL/PL: 0,695 = extraordinary short, FL/PB: 0,910 = very short]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,96 (= normal for a white American male)
Quick summary of George H.W. Bush's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: normal palm shape (left: large fleshy hypothenar/mount of moon);
- Both hands: (very) short finger length;
- Both hands: slightly long index finger;
- Both hands: slightly long ring finger, low set;
- Both hands: long pinky finger length;
- Both hands: normal '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: strong thumb;
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease];
- Both hands: Sydney line.
KEY FACTORS: G.H.W. Bush has Fire hand shape combined with dominant pinky finger & he has only 4 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
• George H.W. Bush hand file 2008

Ronald Reagan's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Very broad hand [PB/HL: 0,488 = brachycheir], featured with:
- ad1: very broad palm [PB/PL=0,847])
- ad2: very short finger length [FL/HL: 0,424 = slightly short, FL/PL: 0,735 = very short, FL/PB: 0,868 = extraordinary short]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,90 (= low for a white American male)
Quick summary of Ronald Reagan's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: (very) broad palm shape (left: large fleshy hypothenar/mount of moon);
- Both hands: (very) short finger length;
- Both hands: short index finger length, normal set;
- Both hands: long ring finger;
- Both hands: long pinky finger length;
- Both hands: low '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: second thumb phalange is 'waisted';
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease].
KEY FACTORS: Reagan has Earth/Air hand shape combined with dominant pinky & ring finger (+ weak index finger) & he has 7 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
• Ronald Reagan hand file 2008

Jimmy Carter's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Slightly broad hand [PB/HL: 0,463 = mesocheir], featured with:
- ad1: very broad palm shape [PB/PL=0,847] (= broad for a male)
- ad2: very long finger length [FL/HL: 0,454 = extraordinary long, FL/PL: 0,830 = very long, FL/PB: 0,981 = slightly long]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,96 (= normal for a white American male)
Quick summary of Jimmy Carter's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: (very) broad palm shape;
- Both hands: (very) long finger length;
- Both hands: normal index finger length;
- Both hands: normal ring finger length;
- Both hands: normal pinky finger length;
- Both hands: normal '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: long, strong thumb;
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease];
- Both hands: fate line (vertical palm line) connected to life line (thenar crease);
- Both hands: strong sun line;
- Both hands: Sydney line.
KEY FACTORS: Carter has Air hand shape combined with dominant thumb & he has 7 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
• Jimmy Carter hand file 2008

Gerald Ford's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Very broad hand [PB/HL: 0,487 = brachycheir], featured with:
- ad1: very broad palm [PB/PL=0,838])
- ad2: very short finger length [FL/HL: 0,419 = slightly short, FL/PL: 0,721 = very short, FL/PB: 0,860 = extraordinary short]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,92 (= low for a white American male)
Quick summary of Gerald Ford's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: (very) broad palm shape;
- Both hands: (very) short finger length;
- Both hands: normal index finger length;
- Both hands: very long ring finger;
- Both hands: long pinky finger length;
- Both hands: low '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease];
- Both hands: fate line (vertical palm line) connected to life line (thenar crease);
- Both hands: strong sun line;
- Both hands: Sydney line.
KEY FACTORS: Ford has Earth/Air hand shape combined with dominant ring- & pinky finger & he has 10 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
• Gerald Ford hand file 2008

Richard Nixon's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Very/extraordinary broad hand [PB/HL: 0,4984 = brachycheir/hyperbrachycheir], featured with:
- ad1: extraordinary broad palm [PB/PL=0,895])
- ad2: slightly long finger length [FL/HL: 0,443 = very long, FL/PL: 0,796 = very long, FL/PB: 0,889 = extraordinary short]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,94 (=low for a white American male)
Quick summary of Richard Nixon's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: (extraordinary) broad palm shape (wide for a male);
- Both hands: normal finger length;
- Both hands: normal index finger length;
- Both hands: long ring finger;
- Both hands: long pinky finger (especially in his right hand);
- Both hands: low '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: strong, long, dynamic thumb;
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease];
- Right hand: Sydney line.
KEY FACTORS: Nixon has Air hand shape combined with dominant thumb (+ ring- & pinky finger) & he has 10 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
• Richard Nixon hand file 2008

Lyndon Johnson's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Slightly broad hand [PB/HL: 0,472 = mesocheir/brachycheir], featured with:
- ad1: very broad palm shape [PB/PL=0,854] (= broad for a male)
- ad2: very long finger length [FL/HL: 0,448 = very long, FL/PL: 0,811 = very long, FL/PB: 0,949 = slightly short]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,94 (= low for a white American male)
Quick summary of Lyndon Johnson's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: (very) broad palm shape;
- Both hands: (very) long finger length;
- Both hands: short index finger;
- Both hands: long ring finger length, high set;
- Both hands: long pinky finger;
- Both hands: low '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: slightly short thumb;
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease];
- Right hand: strong, long sun line;
- Right hand: Sydney line.
KEY FACTORS: Johnson has Air hand shape combined with dominant ring- & pinky finger (+ weak index finger) & he has 8 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
• Lyndon Johnson hand file 2008

John F. Kennedy's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Very/extraordinary broad hand [PB/HL: 0,499 = brachycheir/hyperbrachycheir], featured with:
- ad1: extraordinary broad palm [PB/PL=0,877])
- ad2: slightly short finger length [FL/HL: 0,431 = slightly long, FL/PL: 0,757 = slightly short, FL/PB: 0,863 = extraordinary short]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,98 (= normal for a white American male)
Quick summary of John F. Kennedy's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: (extraordinary) broad palm shape (wide for a male);
- Both hands: normal finger length;
- Both hands: normal index finger length;
- Both hands: normal ring finger length;
- Both hands: long pinky finger;
- Both hands: normal '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: thumb with 'waisted' 2nd phalange;
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease];
- Right hand: double head line.
KEY FACTORS: Kennedy has Air/Earth hand shape combined with dominant pinky finger & he has 7 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
• John F. Kennedy hand file 2008

Dwight Eisenhower's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Slightly broad hand [PB/HL: 0,457 = brachycheir], featured with:
- ad1: very broad palm shape [PB/PL=0,865] (= broad for a male)
- ad2: slightly long finger length [FL/HL: 0,447 = very long, FL/PL: 0,808 = very long, FL/PB: 0,933 = very short]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,94 (= low for a white American male)
Quick summary of Dwight Eisenhower's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: (very) broad palm shape;
- Both hands: normal finger length;
- Both hands: (slightly) long index finger length;
- Both hands: long ring finger;
- Both hands: long pinky finger;
- Both hands: low '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: long thumb;
- Both hands: thumb with 'waisted' 2nd phalange;
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease];
- Left hand: Sydney line.
KEY FACTORS: Eisenhower has Air hand shape combined with dominant thumb, ring- & pinky finger & he has 9 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.

Harry Truman's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Slightly broad hand [PB/HL: 0,480 = brachycheir], featured with:
- ad1: very broad palm shape [PB/PL=0,836] (= broad for a male)
- ad2: very short finger length [FL/HL: 0,426 = slightly short, FL/PL: 0,742 = very short, FL/PB: 0,887 = extraordinary short]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,98 (= slightly high for a white American male)
Quick summary of Harry Truman's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: (very) broad palm shape;
- Both hands: (very) short finger length;
- Both hands: long index finger length, low set;
- Both hands: long ring finger;
- Both hands: long pinky finger;
- Both hands: low '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: long dynamic thumb;
- Both hands: thumb with 'waisted' 2nd phalange;
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease];
- Both hands: strong, long sun line.
KEY FACTORS: Truman has Earth/Air hand shape combined with dominant thumb & pinky finger (all 5 fingers have strong length developement) & he has 8 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.

Franklin Roosevelt's biometric hand shape proportions:
• Extraordinary broad hand [PB/HL: 0,502 = brachycheir/hyperbrachycheir], featured with:
- ad1: extraordinary broad palm [PB/PL=0,916])
- ad2: slightly long finger length [FL/HL: 0,452 = very long, FL/PL: 0,826 = very long, FL/PB: 0,901 = very short]
• 2D:4D digit ratio: 0,97 (= normal for a white American male)
Quick summary of Franklin Roosevelt's most remarkable hand features:
- Both hands: (extraordinary) broad palm shape (= wide for a male);
- Both hands: normal finger length;
- Both hands: long index finger;
- Both hands: long ring finger;
- Both hands: long pinky finger (especially in his right hand);
- Both hands: normal '2D:4D ratio';
- Both hands: strong, dynamic thumb;
- Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease];
- Both hands: strong, long sun line.
KEY FACTORS: Roosevelt has Air hand shape combined with dominant thumb & pinky finger (all 5 fingers have strong length developement) & he has 8 out 13 US presidential hand factors listed at the bottom of this article.
- Photos above display the last 14 US presidents from Donald Trump (45th) to Franklin Roosevelt (32nd) -
The most common 13 hand features in the last 14 US presidents are:
• 93% (GP: 85%) - Both hands: head line [= proximal transverse crease] connected with life line [= thenar crease] - [13/14: Trump, G.W. Bush, Clinton, G.H.W. Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman & Roosevelt];
• 86% (GP: 30%) - Both hands: long pinky (little finger) - [12/14: Trump, G.W. Bush, Clinton, G.H.W. Bush, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, Roosevelt];
• 71% (GP: 30%) - Both hands: very/extraordinary broad palm - [10/14: Trump, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman & Roosevelt];
• 64% (GP: 30%) - Both hands: long ring finger length - [9/14: Obama, Clinton, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Eisenhower, Truman & Roosevelt];
• 64% (GP: 30%) - Both hands: brachycheir or brachycheir/hyperbrachycheir hand shape - [9/14: Trump, G.W. Bush, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman & Roosevelt];

• 50% (GP: 10%) - One Hand: strong, long sun line - [7/14: Johnson; both hands: Obama, Clinton, Carter, Ford, Truman, Roosevelt];
• 50% (GP: 40%) - Both hands: normal index finger lenght - [7/14: Trump, Obama, G.W. Bush, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Kennedy];
• 50% (GP: 30%) - Both hands: slightly/very long finger length - [7/14: Obama, Clinton, Carter, Nixon, Johnson, Eisenhower, Roosevelt];
• 50% (GP: 40%) - Both hands: normal finger length - [7/14: Trump, Obama, Clinton, Nixon, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Roosevelt];
• 50% (GP: 30%)- Both hands: 2nd phalange thumb is 'waisted' - [7/14: Obama, G.W. Bush, Clinton, Reagan, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman];
• 43% (GP: 10%) - One hand: Sydney line - [6/14: right hand - Nixon, Johnson; left hand - Eisenhower; both hands: G.H.W. Bush, Carter, Ford];
• 43% (GP: 10%) - Dominant hand: left (= left-handed) - [6/14: Obama, Clinton, G.H.W. Bush; Reagan, Ford, Truman].
NOTICE: the percentages may appear to be high, but all these hand characteristics are usually also found in large percentages in general population (GP percentage).
Read further:
Time's Presidential Palm Readings! Famous hands: 'the hand of celebrities'
Elvis Presley's fingerprints
Elvis Presley's prints
In memoriam: the hands of Michael Jackson
USA Celebrities lending a Hand for charity
UK 'Celebrity Handprints' book
US Presidential Palm Readings