Hand Shape in Masculine Males:
5 Extraordinary Performers + 5 Hard-Line Politicians!
DECEMBER 11, 2016
Hand Shape variations in 10 Masculine Males!
Featuring: 5 extraordinary performers (Cleve Dean, Andre the Giant, Ron Jeremy, Sylvester Stallone & Arnold Schwarzenegger) + 5 hard-line politicians (Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Silvio Berlusconi, Recep Tayyip Erdogan & Adolf Hitler)
Author: Martijn van Mensvoort

Masculinity concerns a social construct involving a set of attributes, behaviors and roles that generally get associated with boys and men - however, males and females can exhibit masculine traits and behavior. Examples of typical masculine personality traits are: courage, independence and assertiveness; however, a wide range of physical characteristics also gets associated with masculinity, such as for example: muscularity, heigth, broad shoulders, strength and endurance.
Technically, masculinity should get discriminated from the so-called 'macho' (machismo), where an overemphasis on masculinity and power typically gets combined with a disregard for consequences and responsibility. This article presents a study focussed on the hand shape in some very well-known masculine men around from around the world!
The study e.g. involves hand shape comparison has been made between two small 'masculine' groups: 5 extraordinary masculine performers and 5 hard-line politicians.
All 10 individuals have broad hands (see picture above), and all 10 individuals have a M-F hand factor score that is typical for males and well below the international male average (e.g. see picture at the bottom of this article).
The average hand shape for the 5 extraordinary performers is clearly more masculine than the average hand shape for the 5 politicians. A detailed summary of the hand proportions & most apparent characteristics is presented for each individual.
These are the top 10 hand features most significant for the 10 masculine men (avg. score: 67%):
• 1) all have at least very short finger length to palm breadth ratios (100%);
• 2) all have in both hands the head line connected with the life line (100%);
• 3) nearly all hands have at least very broad hands with at least very broad palms (~95%);
• 4) nearly all have a long pinky finger in one or both hands (~90%);
• 5) nearly all have a low 2d:4d digit ratio (~90%);
• 6) many have extraordinary short finger length to palm breadth ratios (80%);
• 7) many have extrordinary broad hands with extraordinary short palms (~75%);
• 8) half of them have at least a slightly short finger length to palm length ratio (50%);
• 9) a large minority has at least one short transverse crease (~40%);
• 10) a large minority has at least a slightly short finger length to hand length ratio (30%).









