Hand Reading News Items & Reports about Hands: 2009-2018
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2018 Hand Reading News Items & Reports

Eindhoven, NL - November 22, 2018:
Big Five personality profiling: the simian line + special attention for 'disconnected' simian lines variants!

Eindhoven, NL - October 5, 2018:
Hand Reading around the World: 300+ websites in 35 countries!

Eindhoven, NL - September 4, 2018:
Robert De Niro - the Big Five personality profile & simian line of the most famous actor of all times!

Eindhoven, NL - March 3, 2018:
Palmistry books TOP 50 by popularity!

Brasilia, Brazil - February 18, 2018:
Some people believe having 10 fingers is overrated: a journey around the world!

Eindhoven, NL - January 18, 2018:
Palmistry books TOP 50 by user ratings!

Eindhoven, NL - January 1, 2018:
Hand Reading Websites TOP 100:
final 2017 update!
2017 Hand Reading News Items & Reports

Eindhoven, The Netherlands - October 20, 2017:
Aberrant Transverse Flexion Creases point towards: 'Low Personality Plasticity' (= cognitive inflexibility)

Eindhoven, The Netherlands - October 8, 2017:
Psychodynamic profiles for simian line variations!

Eindhoven, The Netherlands - October 4, 2017:
Major hand signs & the General Factor of Personality (a.k.a. 'trait EQ')

Sulawesi, Indonesia- Jun 8, 2017:
The oldest 'Portrait' of Man is a 39,900 old Cave Hand Stencil from Sulawesi, Indonesia!

Eindhoven, NL - May 9, 2017:
Family tree of (aberrant) palmar transverse crease variations!

Eindhoven, NL - May 4, 2017:
Elemental hand shapes 2.0: finger length vs. palm size!

Pallanza, Italy - April 15, 2017:
The hands of Emma Morano, last survivor of 19th century died at age 117!

Eindhoven, NL - April 7, 2017:
The Hand Sign Tutor: find the most likely diagnostic options for 300+ hand signs instantly!

Eindhoven, NL - March 7, 2017:
Hand Constellations in Agreeable Personalities!

Eindhoven, NL - February 12, 2017:
Hand index correlates with
genetic variation & genetic distance!

Eindhoven, NL - January 31, 2017:
Hand Reading Websites TOP 100:
final 2016 update!

Eindhoven, NL - January 6, 2017:
Hand Reading Books TOP 100: 2016 update!
2016 Hand Reading News Items & Reports

Eindhoven, NL - December 12, 2016:
Hand shape variations in 10 masculine males!

New York, US - November 12, 2016:
Donald Trump: what do his hands 'signal' for a talent to become a successful US president?

Eindhoven, NL - October 11, 2016:
Decoding The language of the hand:
how to find 38 conditions with just 54 major hand signs!

Eindhoven, NL - October 9, 2016:
Hand constellations in Conscientious personalities!

Eindhoven, NL - April 23, 2016:
New hand charts for Extraversion & Introversion!

Eindhoven, Netherlands - April 23, 2016:
New hand charts for Neuroticism & Emotional Stability!

Eindhoven, Netherlands - January 13, 2016:
Fingerprints & behavior: advanced explorations involving personality & temperament!
2015 Hand Reading News Items & Reports

Eindhoven, Netherlands - December 5, 2015:
The Hand in Neuroticism: crossing constellations in transverse creases & dermatoglyphic main lines!

Eindhoven, Netherlands - December 1, 2015:
Scientific hand charts: the collection!

Eindhoven, Netherlands - November 1, 2015:
Hand chart: 12 hand signs in Emotional Stability & Neuroticism!

Eindhoven, Netherlands - August 13, 2015:
August 13, 2015 is unofficial the 40th left handers day!

Sapporo, Japan - August 11, 2015:
Origins of Left-Handedness on Planet Earth is found in the first-ever Biological Molecule!

Eindhoven, The Netherlands - Jul 26, 2015:
HandResearch link partner program updated!

Eindhoven, The Netherlands - Jun 17, 2015:
How to recognize simian lines?

Mardin, Turkey - May 17, 2015:
Guinness World Records:
Sultan Kösen from Turkey has the largest living hand!

Eindhoven, NL - May 6, 2015:
Many new palmistry books in the first half of 2015!

Eindhoven, NL - April 19, 2015:
Fingerprint combinations in congenital heart disease, Down syndrome, mental retardation & autism!

Eindhoven, NL - March 9, 2015:
10 Facts about arch fingerprints!

Eindhoven, NL - January 26, 2015:
Phantom pictures for the hand in Extraverts & Introverts!
2014 Hand Reading News Items & Reports

Eindhoven, NL - October 26, 2014:
Hand reading systems!

Boulder - Colorado, US - October 15, 2014:
Marriage line palm reading: the scientific truth!

Eindhoven, NL - September 13, 2014:
Find your elemental hand shape:
biometric hand chart!

Eindhoven, NL - August 31,2014:
Hand shape assessment:
the history!

Eindhoven, NL - August 3, 2014:
Hand behaviors
in mental disorders!

Eindhoven, The Netherlands - July 27, 2014:
Hands of fame:
5 spiritual leaders!

Eindhoven, NL - March 12, 2014:
Extraversion Hand Chart:
6 vertical hand factors!

Eindhoven, NL - January 19, 2014:
'Standaardwerk Universele Handleeskunde'
by Magda van Dijk! (Dutch language)
2013 Hand Reading News Items & Reports

Yehud, Israel - May 17, 2013:
PDC Chirologist Arnold Holtzman presents a 53 pages addendum for his 2nd book!

Eindhoven, NL - January 21, 2013:
The TOP 50 most popular Hand Research reports during 2012

Eindhoven, NL - January 12, 2013:
6 Hand signs in Extraversion/Introversion!
2012 Hand Reading News Items & Reports

Eindhoven, NL - July 24, 2012:
Find your 'elemental hand shape'
via finger length & palm measurements!

Eindhoven, NL - July 7, 2012:
Finger length abnormalities:
what can finger length reveal?

Eindhoven, NL - June 6, 2012:
The Marfan syndrome hand test!
2011 Hand Reading News Items & Reports

Eindhoven, NL - April 27, 2011:
Multi-Perspective Palm Reading!

Eindhoven, NL - April 26, 2011:
Palm Reading Perspectives:
the Multi-Perspective Palm Reading blog!

Eindhoven, NL - March 21, 2011:
The hand in Psoriasis!

Eindhoven, NL - March 17, 2011:
The hand in Rheumatoid Arthritis!

Eindhoven, NL - March 12, 2011:
The hand in Diabetes Mellitus - type 2!
2010 Hand Reading News Items & Reports

Eindhoven, The Netherlands - July 26, 2010:
FORUM: 'Modern Hand Reading' - the new
forum at www.modernhandreadingforum.com!

Eindhoven, The Netherlands - NL - July 19, 2010:
HAND LINE STUDIES: Males vs. females,
Down syndrome, autism... what do hand lines reveal?

Eindhoven, The Netherlands - May 29, 2010:
The names of the hand lines
according palmistry & medical science!

Lhasa, Tibet - April 26, 2010:
The hands & handprint of the Dalai Lama - world's 2nd most popular leader!

Cape Town - April 21, 2010:
'God Given Glyphs' - Review the new 'Five Element Chirology' book presented by Jennifer Hirsch!

New Delhi, India - April 11, 2010:
Tribute: the hands of Mahatma Gandhi
- Thumbs up for Gandhi!

Singapore City - March 24, 2010:
Combining palmistry with Feng Shui
with Singapore palmist Master Khor

Burnaby, British Columbia - March 24, 2010:
VoiceAmerica & Kenneth Lagerstrom present:
'Your Life is in Your Hands' (Radioshow)

Islamabad - March 2, 2010:
Pakistan: 57 percent have some belief in palmistry!

Eindhoven, NL - February 21, 2010:
Fragile X syndrome (autism):
28 hand characteristics!

Hollywood - February 7, 2010:
The hands of actress Megan Fox: Former world's sexiest woman (FHM, 2008) has 'clubbed thumbs'!

Oxford - February 2, 2010:
The hands of UK musician/songwriter Thom Yorke:
the Radiohead singer has a simian line!

Eindhoven - January 16, 2010:
The simian line - About the use of the notorious
'single palmar crease' in hand diagnostics!
2009 Hand Reading News Items & Reports

Eindhoven - December 15, 2009:
Handy Christmas Gifts +
the most recommended Hand Reading books TOP 10!

Eindhoven - December 14, 2009:
The 'Global Palm Reading Network': Facebook group
for amateur & professional palm readers!

Bodegraven - November 27, 2009:
Magda van Dijk reports: "School for Universal Hand Reading celebrates 20th anniversary!"

Manilla - November 2,2009:
Palm reading in the Philippines:
the 54th country in the 'Global Palm Reader Network'!

Eindhoven - September 27, 2009:
The new Palmistry websites TOP 100!

Indiana - September 12, 2009:
Palm reading - a moment of science: dermatoglyphics are the atom of palmistry!

Eindhoven, NL - August 11, 2009:
Hand characteristics & cancer - How hand palm characteristics may reveal various type of cancers!

Washington D.C. - July 22, 2009:
Time Magazin & Robin Gile present: 'Presidential Palm Reading' - revised by HandResearch.com!

Jaipur - July 15, 2009:
Doctors in Jaipur (India) search for
dermatoglyphic link between Palmistry & HIV!

Moscow - July 3, 2009:
Fingerprints & psychological patterns of personality:
fingerprints may help choosing a job!

Las Vegas, Nevada - June 23, 2009:
Hand Analyst Ed Campbell announces: "The 4th IBMBS Conference in October 2009 (Las Vegas)"

New Delhi - June 5, 2009:
Indian palmist Nisha Ghai presents:
'Palmistry, a science in progress'!

London - April 27, 2009:
Digit ratio - palmistry's digital analogue:
The new chiromancy?

Jeruzalem - April 5, 2009:
Hosanna ... a Palm Sunday hand reading!
Including: bible quotes + spiritual thinking!

Shanghai - April 3, 2009:
Chinese Palmistry - Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) & Palm Reading from China

Szœkesfehervár - March 4, 2009:
Irma DeNagy (1897-1977) books:
'Handshake Knowledge' & 'Scientific Hand Reading'

Eindhoven - January 28, 2009:
Handprints: the hands of Albert Einstein
('Person of the 20th Century')

Chicago - January 16, 2009:
Barack Obama palm reading: 'the hand of power'
Palm readers about Barack Obama's hands!

Utrecht - January 23, 2009:
Pinky fingers: never underestimate your little finger!