- Hand Reading News 2004 -

Explore the 2004 Hand News:
5 reports!

The hands of babies. Ithaca - November 1:
The hands of babies: babies can learn
sign language before they learn to talk!
Neuroticism: abnormal hand lines & the simian crease. Eindhoven - July 1:
10 Years Hand Analysis Research - SPECIALISATION 2: NEUROTICISM
Finger length & physical aggression. Edmonton - May 20:
Finger length ratio (2D:4D) correlates with physical aggression in men but not in women

New contributions to the study of the transverse palmary sulcus. Bucharest - March 1:
New contributions to the study of the transverse palmary sulcus and of its similar ridge formations!
Palmprint classification using principle lines. Harbin - January 30:
Palmprint classification using principle lines!

Martijn van Mensvoort - Hand Research

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