- Fingernails News & Reports -

Nail Diagnostics, Health & Hand Reading
[2017-2003]: 25 reports!

The hands of Emma Morano, last survivor of 19th century died at age 117! Pallanza, Italy - April 15, 2017:
The hands of Emma Morano, last survivor of 19th century died at age 117!
Decoding The language of the hand:
how to find 36 conditions with just 54 major hand signs! Eindhoven, NL - October 11, 2016:
Decoding The language of the hand: how to find 38 conditions with just 54 major hand signs!
Vertical ridges in fingernails: causes, aging & health variations! Eindhoven, NL - March 31, 2012:
Vertical ridges in fingernails:
causes, aging & health variations!
Chris Walton has the longest fingernails - a new guinness world record. Las Vegas - September 18, 2011:
Chris Walton has the longest fingernails!
The hand in Psoriasis! Eindhoven, NL - March 21, 2011:
The hand in Psoriasis!
The hand in Rheumatoid Arthritis! Eindhoven, NL - March 17, 2011:
The hand in Rheumatoid Arthritis!
The hand in Diabetes Mellitus - type 2! Eindhoven, NL - March 12, 2011:
The hand in Diabetes Mellitus - type 2!

White spots in fingernails: about myths & the true causes! Eindhoven - October 6, 2010:
White spots in fingernails: about myths & the true causes!
Michael Jackson's fingernails in time - a photo essay. Hollywood - October 14, 2009:
Michael Jackson's fingernails in time - a photo essay!
Did Gordon Brown stop biting his fingernails? London - October 7, 2009:
Did Gordon Brown stop biting his fingernails?
Fingernails grow faster on a proteine diet. Wilmington - October 2, 2009:
Fingernails grow faster on a proteine diet: eat fish, meat, eggs and poultry!
Lee Redmond after the loss of her world record longest fingernails. Salt Lake City - September 12, 2009:
Guinness World Records unveils exclusive story of Lee Redmond's fingernail loss!
Common fingernail problems & fingernail diseases. Burnaby, British Columbia - September 27, 2006:
Common fingernail problems and fingernail diseases!
The hands of Michael Jackson. Hollywood - June 27, 2009
In memoriam - the hands of Michael Jackson: characteristics, hand cast, hand glove, fingernails, etc.
The hands of children: fingernail disorders in childhood. Thessaloniki - April 21, 2009
The Hands of Children:
fingernail disorders & diseases in childhood
Lee Redmond has the Guinness World Record female longest fingernails! Salt Lake City, Utah - September 9, 2008:
Lee Redmond has the Guinness World Record 'female longest fingernails'!
Yellow fingernails: causes & home remedies! Roanoke, Virginia - June 5, 2008:
Yellow fingernails: causes & home remedies - fingernails are a barometer of your general health state!
Manicures, Pedicures and HIV: health concerns regarding the practice of manicure & pedicure! London - May 24, 2008:
Manicures, Pedicures and HIV: health concerns regarding the practice of manicure & pedicure!
Use of human nails as bio-indicators for heavy metals environmental exposure! Nairobi - April 26, 2008:
Use of human nails as bio-indicators for heavy metals environmental exposure!
Brittle nails: causes, symptoms and healthy nutrition tips. Los Angeles, California - April 25, 2008:
Brittle nails: causes, symptoms and healthy nutrition tips!
Onychomicosis due to artificial nails. Ramat Gan, Israel - April 10, 2008:
Onychomicosis due to artificial nails!
Abnormalities of the nails: spooned nail. Boston, Massachusetts - April 5, 2008:
Examining Fingernails in elderly patients: abnormalities of the nail!
Hands glow in the darky! Iwata - September 7, 2005:
Hands glow in the darky: fingernails release most light!
Palm reading as a diagnostic aid. Amsterdam - January 10, 2004:
'Palm reading' as a diagnostic aid ['Handlezen' als diagnosticum]
Phenotypic Abnormalities: Terminology and Classification - hand characteristics. Croatia - July 1, 2003:
Phenotypic Abnormalities: Terminology and Classification! (Incl. 63 hand characteristics)

Martijn van Mensvoort - Hand Research

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