What is true love and how do you know when you have found it?
'Love': It's a commonly thrown around four-letter word. "I love macaroni and cheese." "I love Vanilla Ice." (Remember that?).
Sometimes, even an "I love him" or "I love her."
But what is true love really? And is there a difference between that and the heart-pounding adrenaline rush I feel when I see...?
You know the person I'm talking about. That hot guy playing basketball at the gym... the cute girl who makes eye contact as she passes by...
the friend of a friend of a friend... maybe a best friend.
It's that person we keep track of when he or she is in the same room, whose comments and actions we analyze to no end.
Be aware: true love?!!
There are a few things love isn't. Love isn't a feeling. Although real love is often accompanied by strong feelings,
love does not equate with the sense of floating on clouds. Unlike the type of love that movies, television, and songs portray,
people in love don't always feel ooey gooey around each other.
And ... Sex is not love! Our culture has taught us that physical love and love are one in the same. This is not true love.
Physical love is a beautiful God-given activity that is wonderful when practiced within the boundaries of a Biblical marriage.
Physical love is the completion of the binding of two people within Biblical marriage; it is a God-given gift.

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