Wetenschappelijke artikelen over handen
----------~ The hands of mongolian imbeciles in relation to their three personality groups
----------auteur: Charlotte Wolff & Henry R. Rollin
----------~ The use of configurations in the diagnosis of mongolism
----------in: Journal of Pediatrics, vol.50, no.19, p.531-543
----------auteur: Norma Ford Walker
----------~ Features of palmar dermatoglyphics in congenital heart disease
----------Clinical Science, vol.176, no.1
----------auteur: Alfred R. Hale, et. al.
----------~ Finger-print patterns in congenital heart disease
----------in: British Heart Journal, vol.26, p.524-527
----------auteur: A Sánchez Cascos
----------~ Palm-print pattern in congenital heart disease
----------in: British heart journal, vol.27, p.599-603
----------auteur: A. Sánchez Cascos
----------~ Dermatoglyphics, blood-groups, and cancer
----------in: The Lancet
----------auteur: S.H. Chorlton
----------~ Dermatoglyphic findings on a group of psychotic children
----------in: The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol.151, no.5, p.352-358
----------auteur: William B. Hilbun
----------~ Dermatoglyphic nomogram for the diagnosis of Down's syndrome
----------in: The Journal of Pediatrics, vol.77, no.6, p.1024-1032
----------auteurs: Terry E. Reed, et. al.
----------~ The single palmar crease and its clinical significance in a child developmental
----------in: Clinical Pediatrics, feb vol.10, no.7, p.392-403
----------auteurs: C.F. Johnson & E. Opitz
----------~ The Sydney line: A significant sign in Down's syndrome
----------in: Australian paediatric Journal, vol.8, p.198-200
----------auteur: S.G. Purvis-Smith
----------~ Unusual Palm Creases and Unusual Children
----------in: Clinical Pediatrics, feb vol.12, no.2, p.101-112
----------auteurs: C.F. Johnson & E. Opitz
----------~ Dermatoglyphics in Down's syndrome III
----------in: Clinical Genetics, vol.4, p.381-387
----------auteurs: J.F.M. Deckers, A.M.A. Oorthuys & W.H. Doesburg
----------~ Het gebruik van dermatoglyfen bij de diagnose van het syndroom van Down
----------in: Maandschrift Kindergeneeskunde, vol.41, p.25-36
----------auteurs: J.F.M. Deckers, A.M.A. Oorthuys-van Santen & W.H. Doesburg
----------~ Evaluation of dermal patterns in Down's syndrome by predictive discrimination
----------I. Preliminary analysis based on frequencies of patterns
----------in: John Hopkins Medical Journal, vol.128, no.3, p.141-152
----------auteurs: D.S. Borgaonkar, M. Davis, D.R. Bolling & H. M. Herr
----------~ Dermatoglyphic traits in patients with cardiovascular disorders
----------in: American Journal of Physical Antropology, vol.42, p.281-284
----------auteur: M.N. Rashad & M.P. Mi
----------~ The ridge-counts of the interdigital a-b, b-c, and c-d areas in a normal sample
----------and in cerebrally damaged patients of Thuringia
----------in: American Journal of Physical Antropology, vol.42, p.233-236
----------auteur: Mechthild Mate
----------~ Dermatoglyphics of schizophrenics, patients with Down's syndrome and
----------mentally retarded males as compared with Australian Europeans using Multivariate
----------in: American Journal of Physical Antropology, vol.42, p.237-240
----------auteur: Sardool Singh
----------~ Parathenar palmar pattern: A dermatoglyphic sign of possible clinical
----------in: Human Heredity, vol.25, p.509-512
----------auteur: E.B. Hook & R. Bonenfant
----------~ A comparison of the Dermatogram with other indices for the diagnosis
----------of Down's syndrome
----------in: Clinical Genetics, vol.10, p.139-144
----------auteurs: Terry Reed & Joe C. Christian
----------~ Dermatoglyphics in mosaic Down's syndrome
----------in: Clinical Genetics, vol.9, p.417-426
----------auteurs: J.H. Priest, P.V. Tishler & B. Rosner
----------~ Dermatoglyphic patterns in patients with mitral valve prolapse: a clue to
----------in: The American Journal of Cadiology, vol.38, p.588-593
----------auteurs: Mark H. Schwartz, Michael V. Herman & Louis E. Teichholz
----------~ Palmar flexion creases and dermatoglyphics among diabetics patients
----------in: American Journal of Physical Antropology, vol.46, p.455-462
----------auteur: G. Eswaraiah & R.S. Bali
----------~ Cortical bone measurements in Turner's syndrome
----------in: American Journal of Anthropology
----------auteur: E. Parker
----------~ Dermatoglyphics in Cri du Chat syndrome
----------in: Clinical Genetics, vol.11, p.214-218
----------auteur: H. Shiono, J-I. Kadowaki & H. Kazama
----------~ Dermatoglyphic patterns in trisomy 8 syndrome
----------in: Clinical Genetics, vol.12, p.28-38
----------auteurs: A. Rodewald, H Zankl, H. Wischerath & B. Borkowsky-Fehr
----------~ Do hyperactive children tend to have abnormal palmar creases
----------in: Clinical Pediatrics, july, p.645-647
----------auteur: Robert J. Lerer
----------~ A dermatoglyphic study of autistic patients
----------in: Journal of autism and childhood schizophrenia, vol.7, no.1, p.11-21
----------auteur: Harry A. Walker
----------~ Dermatoglyphic studies in rheumatic heart disease
----------in: Human Heredity, vol.28, p.72-78
----------auteurs: V. Annapurna, et. al.
----------~ Dermatoglyphic studies of myocardial infarctation patients
----------in: Human Heredity, vol.28, p.1-6
----------auteur: M.N. Rashad, M.P. Mi & G. Rhoads
----------~ Dermatoglyphics in epilepsy
----------in: Birth Defects: Original Article Series, vol: XV, no. 6, p. 627-633
----------auteurs: B. Schaumann & A. Mayersdorf
----------~ Dermatoglyphics in childhood leukemia
----------in: Birth Defects: Original Article Series, vol. XV, no.6: p.721-735
----------auteurs: A.M. Oorthuys, G.A.M. de Vaan, H.Behrendt, J.A. Caris, S. Lion &
----------W.M. Helsper
----------~ Dermatoglyphics and mental defect
----------in: Annals of Human Genetics, vol.43, p.54-66
----------auteur: Danuta Loesch
----------~ Dermatoglyphics in parents of children with trisomy 21
----------in: Clinical Genetics, vol.15, p.78-84
----------auteurs: S. Ayme, M-G.Mattei, J.F. Mattei, Y. Aurran & F. Giraud
----------~ Fingerprints and laterality preferences of early onset autism
----------in: Birth Defects: Original Article Series, vol.XV, no.6, p.679-695
----------auteurs: Diane Sank & Brian D. Firschein
----------~ A comparative dermatoglyphic study of autistic, retarded, and normal children
----------in: Journal of autism and developmental disorder, vol.9, no.3, p.233-246
----------auteurs: Phillip J. Hartlin & Robert J. Barry
----------~ Dermatoglyphic and cytogenetic studies in parents of children with trisomy 21
----------in: Clinical Genetics, vol.20, p.203-210
----------auteurs: Rina Schmidt, Hanna Dar & Harold M. Nitowsky
----------~ Dermatoglyphic features of myocardial infarctions patients
----------in: American Journal of Physical Antropology, vol.55, p.523-527
----------auteurs: M.W. Anderson, P.J. Haug & G. Critchfield
----------~ Dermatoglyphs in congenital heart disease
----------in: Journal of medical genetics, vol.18, p.344-349
----------auteurs: T.J. David
----------~ Dermatoglyphic analysis of 24 individuals with the Prader-Willi syndrome
----------in: Journal of mental deficiency research, vol.26, p.91-99
----------auteurs: A. Smith & E. Simpson
----------~ The dermatoglyphic pattern of the Kabuki make-up syndrome
----------in: Clinical Genetics
----------auteurs: N. Niikawa, Y. Kuroki and T. Kajii
----------~ Differences between schizophrenics and normal controls using chirological
----------(hand) testing
----------in: Israelian Journal of Psychiatry related science, vol.19, no.1, p.5-22
----------auteurs: Yael Haft Pomrock & Yigal Ginath
----------~ Dermatoglyphic sole patterns in 21 trisomics
----------in: Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, vol.27, p.5-9
----------auteur: Danuta Loesch
----------~ The Sydney line and the simian line: the incidence in Down's syndrome,
----------patients with mental retardation and Japanese controls
----------in: Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, vol.26, p.3-9
----------auteurs: Hiroshi Shiono & Jun-Ichi Azumi
----------~ Dermatoglyphic studies in congenital heart disease in India
----------in: Acta Anthropogenetica, vol.6, no.3, p.141-150
----------auteurs: Y.R. Ahuja, et. al.
----------~ Blood groups, immunoglobulin allotypes and dermatoglyphic features of patients
----------with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and parkinsonism-dementia of guam
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, 14: p.289-298
----------auteurs: R.M. Garruto, C.C. Plato, N.C. Myrianthopoulos, M.S. Schanfield &
----------D.C. Gajdusek
----------~ Dermatoglyphic analysis of 32 parents of Prader-Willi syndrome individuals
----------in: Journal of mental deficiency research, vol.28, p.275-280
----------auteurs: A. Smith & E. Simpson
----------~ Fragile-X syndrome III: Dermatoglyphic studies in males
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol.17, p.195-207
----------auteurs: N.E. Simpson, B.J. Newman & M.W. Partington
----------~ Lack of association between dermal arches and mitral valve prolapse: relation to
----------in: American Journal of Cardiology, vol.53, p.148-152
----------auteurs: R. Kramer-Fox, et. al.
----------~ Discirminant analysis of dermatoglyphic sole and palm patterns in Danish Cri Du
----------Chat probands and normal controls
----------in: Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, sep, p.281-288
----------auteurs: K. Fenger & E. Niebuhr
----------~ Dermatoglyphic findings in patients with fragile X-chromosome
----------in: Clinical Genetics, vol.27, p.118-121
----------auteurs: L. Hirth, S. Singh, S. Schilling, E. Müller, H.W. Goedde
----------Dermatoglyphs in children with mitral valve prolapse
----------in: Journal of Medical Genetics, vol.22, p.135-136
----------auteurs: J.S. Tay, W.C.L. Yip, H.K. Yap, B.W. Lee, H.B. Wong & S.O. Chay
----------~ Dermatoglyphic (fingerprint) evidence for a congenital syndrome of early onset
----------constipation and abdominal pain
----------in: Gastroenterology, vol. 91, no.2: p.428-432
----------auteurs: S.H. Gotleib & M.M. Schuster
----------~ Dermatoglyphic pecularities in families with X-linked mental retardation and
---------- fragile site Xq27
----------in: Clinical Genetics, vol.30, p.1-13
----------auteurs: A. Rodewald et. al.
----------~ Dermatoglyphic indices of males with the fragile X syndrome and of the female
---------- heterozygotes
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol.23, p.171-178
----------auteurs: Nancy E. Simpson
----------~ Fluctuating dermatoglyphic asymmetry and the genetics of liability to
----------in: Psychiatric Research, vol.19, p.323-328
----------auteurs: Therese Ann Markow & Kevin Wandler
----------~ Dermatoglyphic diversity in congenital heart defects
----------Indian Journal of Medical Research, vol.83, p.56-67
----------auteur: R. Renuka Nair
----------~ Digital dermatoglyphics of Turner's syndrome
----------in: Journal of deficiency research, vol.31, p.181-191
----------auteur: A. Rignell
----------~ Digital and palmar dermatoglyphics in dementia of the Alzheimer type
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, 30: p.733-740
----------auteurs: J.S. Luxenberg, C.C. Plato, K.M. Fox, R.P. Friedland & S.I. Rapoport
----------~ Kabuki makeup syndrome: a study of 62 patients
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, 1988, nov 31(3), p.565-589
----------~ Palmar dermatoglyphics of dyslexia
----------in: American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 76, p.505-513
----------auteur: C.S. Jamison
----------~ Discriminant analysis of dermatoglyphic measurements in fragile X males and
---------- females
----------in: Clinical Genetics, vol.33, p.169-175
----------auteur: Danuta Z. Loesch
----------~ The predictive value of dermatoglyphic anomalies in the diagnosis of ---------- FRA(X)-positive Martin-Bell syndrome (MBS)
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol.30, p.169-175
----------auteurs: U. Langenbeck, I. Varga and I. Hansmann
----------~ A dermatoglyphic study of a group of Sicilian children with fragile X-syndrome
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol.30, p.177-183
----------auteurs: G. Milone et.al.
----------~ Fluctuating dermatoglyphic asymmetry in psychotic twins
----------in: Psychiatric Research, vol.29, p.37-43
----------auteurs: T.A. Markow & I.I. Gottesman
----------~ Dermatoglyphic indicators of congenital heart defects in Down's syndrome
----------patients: a preliminary study
----------in: Journal of Mental Deficiency Research, vol.33, p.343-348
----------auteurs: N.M. Durham & J.L. Koehler
----------~ Dermatoglyphics in the identification of women with either or at risk for breast
----------cancer, in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, 37: p.482-488
----------auteurs: M.H. Seltzer, C.C. Plato & K.M. Fox
----------~ Relationship between longevity and lifeline: a manual study of 100 patients
----------in: Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 83, august: p.499-501
----------auteurs: P.G. Newrick, E. Affie & R.J.M. Corrall
----------~ Relationship between longevity and lifeline
----------in: Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 83, november: p.753
----------auteur: S. Lewis
----------~ Prevalence of digital arches in children with abdominal pain and constipation
----------in: The Journal of Pediatrics, vol. 117, no.3: p.435-436
----------auteurs: A. Staiano, M.R. Andreotti, V. Perrotta & P. Strisciuglio
----------~ Dermatoglyphic variations in achondroplasia
----------in: Trends in Dermatoglyphic Research, p.156-162
----------auteurs: B.A. Schaumann, A.J. Krush, R.L. Jantz
----------~ Dermatoglyphic analysis of autistic Basque children
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol.35, p.1-9
----------auteurs: M.I. Arrieta, et. al.
----------~ Unique X-linked mental retardation syndrome with fingertip arches and
----------contractures linked to xq21.31
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol.38, p.215-233
----------auteurs: J.H. Miles & N.J. Carpenter
----------~ Subtle signs of prenatal maldevelopment of the hand ectoderm in schizophrenia:
---------- A preliminary monozygotic twin study
----------in: Biological Psychiatry, vol.30, p.719-725
----------auteurs: Stefan Bracha, et. al.
----------~ Dermatoglyphics in sudden infant death syndrome
----------in: Pediatric Pathology, vol.12, p.637-651
----------auteurs: H. Kozakewich, et. al.
----------~ Dermatoglyphic evidence of fluctuating asymmetry in schizophrenia
----------in: British Journal of Psychiatry, vol.160, p.467-472
----------auteur: C.S. Mellor
----------~ Second-trimester markers of fetal size in schizophrenia: a study of monozygotic
----------in: American journal of psychiatry, vol.149, p.1355-1361
----------auteurs: Stefan Bracha, et. al.
----------~ Relation of fingerprints and shape of the palm to fetal growth and adult blood
----------in: British Medical Journal, vol.307, p.405-409
----------auteurs: K.M. Godfrey, D.J.P. Barker, J. Peace, J. Coke & C. Osmond
----------~ Dermatoglyphic pecularities in patients with Williams-Beuren syndrome
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol.53, p.227-235
----------auteurs: A. Rodewald, R. Pankau, A. Gosch & A. Wessel
----------~ Dermatoglyphic asymmetry and sexual orientation in men
----------in: Behavioral Neuroscience, vol.108, p.1203-1206
----------auteurs: J.A.Y. Hall & D. Kimura
----------~ Further evidence for anomalies in the hand-prints of patients with schizophrenia:
----------a study of secondary creases
----------in: Schizophrenia Research, vol.13, p.179-184
----------auteurs: Mary Cannon, et. al.
----------~ Congenital markers for chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction
----------in: The American Journal of Gastroenterology, vol.90, no.6: p.922-926
----------auteurs: T.J. Pulliam & M.M. Schuster
----------~ Dermatoglyphic asymmetry: relation to sex, handedness and cognitive pattern
----------in: Personality individual differences, vol.19, no.4, p.471-478
----------auteurs: Doreen Kimura & Michael W. Carson
----------~ Dermatoglyphic patterns in schizophrenic patients
----------in: Acta Psychiatry Scandinavia, vol.91, p.213-215
----------auteurs: S.L. Varma, et. al.
----------~ Dermatoglyphics in Down's syndrome
----------in: Journal of Indian Medical Association, vol.93, no.1, p.10-13
----------auteurs: S. Rajangam, S. Janakiram & I.M. Thomas
----------~ On the association between adult blood pressure and dermatoglyphics
----------as prenatal markers of development
----------in: Journal of Hypertension, vol.13, p.595-601
----------auteur: Terry Reed
----------~ A case-control study of fluctuating dermatoglyphic asymmetry as a risk marker
----------for developmental delay
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol.66, p.11-14
----------auteurs: C.T. Naugler & M.D. Ludman
----------~ Presence of dermatoglyphic ridge dissociation in a schizotypy-affected
----------subject in a pair of discordant MZ twins
----------in: Schizophrenia Research, 21, p.125-127
----------auteurs: L. Fananas, B. Gutiérrez, S. Bosch, F. carandell & J.E. Obiols
----------~ Dermatoglyphic a-b ridge count as a possible marker for developmental
----------disturbance in schizophrenia: replication in two samples
----------in: Schizophrenia Research, vol.20, p.307-314
----------auteurs: Lourdes Fananas, et. al.
----------~ Dermatoglyphics in patients with Cenani-Lenz type syndactyly
----------in: American Journal of Medical Genetics, vol.70, p.341-345
----------auteurs: N. Elçioglu, M. Atasu & A. Cenani
----------~ Mutation of HOXA13 in hand-foot-genital syndrome
----------in: Nature Genetics, vol.15, p.179-180
----------auteurs: D.P. Mortlock & J.W. Innis
----------~ Arch fingerprints, hypotonia, and areflexia associated with X linked mental
----------in: Journal of medical genetics, june 34(6), p.465-469
----------auteurs: R.E. Stevenson, et. al.
----------~ Facial asymmetry as an indicator of psychological, emotional, and physiological ---------- distress
----------in: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol.72, no.2, p.456-466
----------auteurs: T.K. Shackelford & R.J. Larsen
----------~ Dermatoglyphic abnormalities in psychosis: a twin study
----------in: Society of Biological Psychiatry, vol.41, p.624-626
----------auteurs: Jim van Os, L. Fananas, M. Cannon, A. Macdonald & R. Murray
----------~ Fertility index
----------in: New Scientist, august 22, no. 2148
----------auteur: Alison Motluk
----------~ Congenital dermatoglyphic malformations in severe bipolar disorder
----------in: Psychiatry Research, 78, p.133-140
----------auteurs: B. Gutiérrez, et. at.
----------~ Dermatoglyphic analysis in Borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia
----------- Results of a Croatian study
----------in: Collegium Antropologicum, vol.22, p.141-148
----------auteurs: N. Jelovac, et. al.
----------~ Fluctuating asymmetry, relative digit length, and depression in men
----------in: Evolution and Human Behavior, 20, p.203-214
----------auteurs: S.M. Martin, J.T. Manning & C.F. Dowrick
----------~ Relevance of sequential development of dermatoglyphics to schizophrenia
----------in: Psychiatry Research, vol.89, p.59-67
----------auteur: R. Ponnudurai
----------~ Finger-length ratios and sexual orientation
----------in: Nature, vol.404, march, p.455
----------auteur: T.J. Williams et. al.
----------~ Cognitive pattern and dermatoglyphic asymmetry
----------in: Personality and Individual Differences, 30, p.579-586
----------auteurs: D. Kimura & P.G. Clarke
----------~ Is reduced dermatoglyphic a-b ridge count a reliable marker of development
----------imairment in schizophrenia?
----------in: Schizophrenia Research, vol.50, p.151-157
----------auteurs: Paul Fearon, et. al.
----------~ Dermatoglyphic fluctuating asymmetry and atypical handedness in schizophrenia
----------in: Schizophrenia Research, vol.50, p.159-168
----------auteurs: James L. Reilly, et. al.
----------~ Differentiating between low and high susceptiblity to schizophrenia in twins:
----------the significance of dermatoglyphic indices in relation to other determinants of brain
----------in: Schizophrenia Research, vol.52, p.181-193
----------auteurs: C.J. van Oel, et. al.
----------~ Minor physical anomalies in schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder
----------in: Schizophrenia Research, vol.52, p.195-201
----------auteurs: M. Trixler, T. Tényi, G. Csábi & R Szabó
----------~ A preliminary investigation of the associations between personality,
----------cognitive ability and digit ratio
----------in: Personality and Individual Differences, vol.33, p.1115-1124
----------auteurs: E.J. Austin, J.T. Manning, K McInroy & E. Mathews
----------~ Differences in finger length ratios between self-identified 'Butch' and 'Femme'
----------in: Archives of sexual behavior, vol.31, no.1, feb, p.123-177
----------auteurs: W.M. Brown, C. Finn, B. Cooke & S.M. Breedlove
----------~ Relationships among childhood sex-atypical behaviorr, spatial ability,
----------handedness, and sexual orientation in men
----------in: Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol.31, no.1, feb, p.129-143
----------auteur: Kenneth M. Cohen
----------~ Dermatoglyphics, handedness, sex, and sexual orientation
----------in: Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol.31, no.1, feb, p.129-143
----------auteur: B.S. Mustanski, J.M. Bailey & S Kaspar
----------~ Finger-length ratios in female monozygotic twins discordant for sexual
----------in: Archives of sexual behavior, vol.32, no.1, feb, p.23-28
----------auteurs: L.S. Hall & C.T. Love