Design of the follow-up program:

This research program focusses on the hand differences between left- and righthanded family members. The attention will be focussed on family members who have common biological properties - for example: 'partners' do not meet this criterion.
Hopefully we are able to include some twins in this program (one half should be a left-hander and the other half a right-hander).
With the supervision of PhD. Jan van Strien the research material will be presented in a significant scientific journal.
Most important of all: you or one of your family members can be described as a left-hander, and you + at least one of your family members are willing to participate in this follow-up program.
A handscan will be made of you and your chosen family member. When you are living near the Netherlands (Eindhoven), you can contact me in order to make an appointment for making the handscans.
However, you are invited to collect the aquired research material by yourself. When you have a (copy)scanner at home, you will be able to make the scans by yourself! In case you don't, you might contact another person who has a (copy)scanner and who is willing to give you a hand of help. During the preperation of the scans you must take care of the following issues:
1 - please scan the full scanner-glass of the (copy)scanner
2 - prepare one scan for each single hand
3 - palm + fingers should be putten 'flat' on the scanner-glass liggen
4 - palm (+ de middle finger) are positioned in line with the forearm
5 - thumb is positioned approximately at 45 degrees to the palm
6 - please use the scan-resolution at 300 dpi (scan shows details of the dermatoglyphics)
7 - the scan shows the contour of the complete hand
(the scan below meets all of the above mentioned criteria, 'click' on the scan in case you would like to check out the dermatoglyphics)
Finally you and your family member will be invited to fill up the 'Dutch Handedness Questionnaire' (van Strien, 2002) - this questionnaire includes 10 statements which provide an indication for handedness.
Are you willing to participate?
(are you willing to help in order to acquire the needed research material, or in case you have questions, please contact me via e-mail: e-mail)