Most likely diagnostic options for double jointed thumbs - a manifestation involving hypermobility at the 2nd (basal) thumb joint; it has a strong connotation with the thumb-aspect of the so-called Beighton score, not to be confused with hyperextensible finger joints (ranked by 'weight' for the general population):
• joints hypermobility syndrome [~75% | 1:50 | weight: 0,1]
• fragile-x syndrome [~50% | 1:4K | weight: 0,0008]
• Ehler-Danlos syndrome [?% | 1:5K | weight: ?]
• Marfan syndrome [?% | 1:6K | weight: ?]
[1st figure = prevalence hand sign in condition | 2nd
figure = prevalence condition in GP | 3rd figure =
estimated hand sign weight for condition relative
to GP (>0,5 = present in majority of GP cases]
Quick summary:
double jointed thumbs usually represents an inconvenient but harmless condition not associated with any sort of disorder (only in a small minority it represents a feature for one of the 4 listed medical conditions).
[In every 100 double-jointed thumbs cases in the general population (GP) you can expect to find about
10 joints hypermobility syndrome cases, etc.]