• Level 3 - HAND SHAPE:
The following hand shape issues are listed above: air hand shape, earth hand shape, elemental hand shape, fire hand shape, quadrants & water hand shape.
Many of these hand shape signs are described inside the article:
Hand Shape Assessment 2.0!
• Level 4 - PALM SHAPE:
The following signs involving palm shape are listed above: hypothenar, long palm, mars, (positive) metacarpal sign, moon, short palm, thenar, ulnar border straight, venus & zones.
• Level 5 - FINGER SHAPES:
The following issues related to finger shape are listed above: apollo, digit ratio (2d:4d), ectrodactyly, finger length, index finger, jupiter, mercurius, middle finger, pinky finger, preacher's sign, ring finger, sun & thumb.
More news reports involving the fundamentals of fingers & related ratio are presented inside the sections: Thumbs & Finger News & 2D:4D Digit Ratio News.
• Level 6 - SKIN QUALITY:
The following issues involving skin quality are listed above: cold hands & tripe palms.
Many fascinating news reports related to the skin of the hand (beyond dermatoglyphics) are presented in the section: Hand news: hand, skin & hair reports!
• Level 7 - FINGERNAILS:
The following fingernail signs are listed above: Beau lines, clubbing, growth, koilonychia, leukonychia, lunula / nail moon, onycholysis, onychomycosis, paronychia, pitting, ridges, spoon nails & yellow nails.
The diagnostic significance involving over 57+ nail signs is described by detail inside the Nail Tutor!
The following dermatoglyphic hand signs are listed above: arches, AtD-angle, fingerprints, hypothenar whorl, loops, radial loops, ridge count, ulnar loops & whorls.
More details involving the fingerprints are presented inside the section:
Fingerprints & Dermatoglyphics: Diagnostics beyond Identity!
• Level 9 - LINES:
The following hand line signs are listed above: creases, distal transverse crease, head line, heart line, life line, mars line, palmar creases, proximal transverse crease, simian line, stars & Sydney line.
Quite a few other fundamental aspects involved with the lines are being discussed in the section:
The 3 Primary Hand Lines!