Fingernails: how to stop biting nails!
A lot of people wonder how they can stop biting their nails. There are a few tricks you can use to stop nail-biting.
Unless you want to go the hypnosis route, which some people swear by, you do have a couple options other than sheer willpower.
One is to apply the very disgusting (and therefore, highly successful) nail biting cream like Control It!), which you paint onto your nails.
It tastes so bitter you won’t dare bite them.
A new product on the market which doesn't taste any better, but is definitely worth trying is Jessica 'Nibble No More,'
a no-nail-biting polish with bitter cactus extract as its secret ingredient.
Another option is to keep your nails painted.
My friend Lisa swears a pricey manicure keeps her biting at bay & she suggests the brighter the color the better.
What you really need to know about nail biting:
If you bite your nails, you’re not alone.
Lots of people share this habit for many different reasons, such as stress, boredom or a need for comfort.
Some people even find themselves biting their nails when the nail grows too long, or gnawing at dead skin around their cuticles.
It’s very important to stop biting your nails and cuticles.
Not only do chewed-off nails look disgusting and unkempt, but also they can negatively affect the impression you give to a potential
employer or client – or mate! Gnawed nails can also promote harmful infections.

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