September 16, 2018 (REPUBLISHED - prevalence data is now based on the Big Five dimensions only)
NOTICE: For this article a more comprehensive update (based on more precise data) is available here
System for Big Five personality profile interpretation + 100 celebrity profiles!
- Featuring 39 prototype profiles covering the full spectrum of Five Factor Model (FFM) variations + the underlying 30 facets -
The spectrum (displayed below) includes a neutral profile surrounded by 4 profiles that represent the classic four types of temperament (choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine);
the other 34 profiles are grouped into 10 clusters,
of which the first 3 clusters represent prototypes derived from expert ratings + meta-study results combined involving 10 specific personality disorders featured in the DSM-5.

In a preceding 2018 report was demonstrated how prototype profiles can be derived from Big Five facet expert ratings for the 10 specific personality disorders featured in the DSM-5. In the current report a simplified follow-up approach based on square-distance values for the Big Five dimensions only (meta-components are no longer included in calculations) is presented, derived from the combination of two expert rating reports (Lynam & Widiger, 2001: table 1 & Samuel & Widiger, 2004: table 1) plus two meta-study reports (Samuel & Widiger, 2008: table 2). Subtypes for individual profiles are now also included; these subtypes are largely based on the work of Theodore Millon , serve here as an opportunity for fine tuning the assessment for individual cases - which is demonstrated with 100 celebrity Big Five profiles.
The correlation reports have been callibrated with the expert rating reports, resulting in an additional weight of 59,35% for the reported correlations - this involves the profiles in cluster I, cluster II and cluster III (plus the counterparts profiles in cluster VI, cluster VII and cluster VIII). A similar approach has been used for the Depressive profile that is included in cluster V (plus the counterpart Optimistic profile in cluster X); the other profiles are entirely based on (weighted) correlation results reported in multiple studies combined.
IMPORTANT: The chart above presents all 39 prototype profiles represent 'personality structures'; even though there may be fundamental parallels between a 'personality structure' and a 'personality disorder', they do represent different phenomena. Each profile is featured with a code (displayed at the top) plus a vertical bar-indicator, describing the effect-size for each of the Big Five dimensions. The meta-component chart on the left-side is presented with the purpose to give a indicative clue involving the (meta-)distance between individual profiles.
Inversed values for Neuroticism are required for the calculation of two of the four meta-components presented at the bottom of each profile, that is for: 'Cognitive Stability' [S = ALPHA] and 'Cognitive Efficiency' [E = ALPHA + BETA]; this explains why in each profile the 'code' for Neuroticism - always displayed below the letter 'N' - is displayed in red color for positive Neuroticism values and green color for negative Neuroticism values. The fundamental importance of this requirement is explained through the content of the table below - which shows that only the dimension Neuroticism [N] can be recognized to represent a 'negative pole', while Agreeableness [A], Conscientiousness [C], Extraversion [E] & Openness [O] represent a 'positive pole'. Only in the meta-component 'Temperament' [T] is the non-reversed value of Neuroticism used.

In september 2018 American researchers from Northwestern University have presented new form of clustering based on 'big data' (involving 1.5 million online participant), suggesting that there might be at least 4 personality types (Role Model, Reserved, Self-Centered & Average) hidden in the Big Five model - after preceding research had claimed major 3 ARC types (Resilient, Overcontrolled & Undercontrolled); the picture below shows where these types are found in the meta-component model.
NOTE: The three pink axes in the right picture represent a speculative model derived from combining the 39 Big Five profiles, the 4 "big data" types & the 3 ARC types; in this perspective the meeting point of the 3 axes can be recognized to represent the 4th "big data" type.

In order to find your Big Five profile the following (free) online opportunities are recommended:
• 123Test Big Five trait assessment (120 items)
• PersonalityAsseccor IPIP Big Five tests: (a) 300 items - (b) 120 items - (c) 44 items
• Quick Personality Test - Big Five (10 items)
The continuation of this article presents a description for each of the 39 Big Five profiles. The measure for Cognitive Efficiency is indicative for the so-called 'General Factor of Personality' [GFP]; the significance of the latter factor is illustrated by the fact that during the past decade the GFP became associated to represent a significant part (if not all) for the concept which is better known as 'Emotional Intelligence' (EQ).
- Summary description for each of the 39 Big Five personality profiles -
NOTICE: The prevalence estimate {~} for each profile is based on in total 362 subjects, including 262 Dutch subjects (77 males & 185 females, who all performed the NEO PI-R questionnaire) + 100 international celebs (78 males & 22 females, who's Big Five profile is featured at 20 warlords, 26 US presidents, 52 actors & actresses, and 2 talk-show hosts).
Codes reflect rounded numbers: triple sign = approaching 75%, double sign = approaching 50%, single sign = approaching 25%, sign between half rounds = approaching 12.5%, and N = approaching 0%.
In 5 out of 362 cases the 'square distance' to the 2nd most approaching profile is more than 4 times larger than the most approaching profile - only these five profiles have been assessed with a reference to a single profile. This explains why nearly all celebrity cases are featured with a profile assessment that involves multiple profiles; in the sample of the celebrities [N=100] only actress Emma Stone has a (Social) 'N.O.S.' (= Not Otherwise Specified) profile. Also, special attention for the cases of Richard Nixon, Johnny Depp, Angelina Jolie, Andrew Jackson, Donald Trump and Jennifer Aniston: in all 6 cases the Big Five profile assessment is featured with validating info!
>> CLUSTER I: involves three profiles which are characterized by 'odd' and/or 'eccentric' behaviors, typically featured with considerably low scores on both Extraversion & Agreeableness.
• Paranoid personality profile {prevalence estimate: ~3,6%}:
Paranoia, suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others | CODE: A-- & N++ with E- (O-), normal C
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -56.1%, Conscientiousness +3.3%, Neuroticism +40.5%, Extraversion -30.5%, Openness -14.9%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -27.8%, ALPHA -31.1%, BETA -22.7%, Melancholic temperament
Five Paranoid subtypes (according Theodore Millon):
A - Odurate paranoid = Paranoid variant combined with Obsessive-Compulsive structure;
B - Fanatic paranoid = Paranoid variant combined with Narcissistic structure;
C - Querulous paranoid = Paranoid variant combined with Negativistic structure;
D - Insular paranoid = Paranoid variant combined with Avoidant structure;
E - Malignant paranoid = Paranoid variant combined with Sadistic structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely a paranoid profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Clint Eastwood, American actor [A=1.8; C=6.3; N=5.6; E=4.5; O=3.1 | Paranoid A variant];
- Woodrow Wilson, 28th US president [A=2.3; C=8.0; N=7.5; E=3.7; O=6.4 | Paranoid A variant];
- Russell Crowe, American actor [A=1.2; C=8.6; N=6.2; E=2.8; O=7.2 | Paranoid A variant];
- Richard Nixon, 37nd US president [A=1.4; C=8.9; N=8.3; E=1.7; O=1.4 | Paranoid A variant], the Watergate scandal resulted from "a career driven by paranoia";
- John Adams, 2nd US president [A=1.3; C=8.7; N=8.3; E=1.4; O=6.1 | Paranoid D variant];
- Jodie Foster, American actress [A=2.2; C=7.0; N=7.1; E=2.6; O=6.7 | Paranoid variant combined with Schizotypal structure];
- Vladimir Lenin, 1st premier of Russia [A=1.0; C=8.1; N=7.4; E=2.8; O=7.6 | Paranoid variant combined with Schizotypal structure];
- John Quincy Adams, 6th US president [A=2.1; C=8.9; N=8.1; E=2.0; O=8.4 | Paranoid variant combined with Schizotypal structure];
- Christian Bale, English-American actor [A=1.6; C=4.9; N=5.6; E=2.2; O=2.6 | Paranoid variant combined with Schizoid structure];
- Tom Cruise, American actor [A=1.9; C=4.2; N=7.6; E=2.4; O=2.6 | Paranoid variant combined with Autistiform structure].

NOTICE - 'Paranoid personality disorder': occurs in about 0.5%-2.5% of general population (more common in males; common in psychiatric patients: 2%-10%).
• Schizoid personality profile {prevalence estimate: ~0,6%}:
Lack of interest in social relationships, solitary lifestyle without intimate attachments | CODE: E--- with O- A- (N+), normal C
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -22.5%, Conscientiousness -4.0%, Neuroticism +10.4%, Extraversion -74.0%, Openness -22.9%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -26.8%, ALPHA -12.3%, BETA -48.5%, Phlegmatic temperament
Four Schizoid subtypes (according Theodore Millon):
A - Languid schizoid = Schizoid variant combined with Depressive structure;
B - Remote schizoid = Schizoid variant combined with Avoidant- & Schizotypal structure;
C - Depersonalized schizoid = Schizoid variant combined with Schizotypal structure;
D - Affectless schizoid = Schizoid variant combined with Obsessive-Compulsive structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely a schizoid profile [Big Five profiles according]:
(No celeb examples available for this profile)

NOTICE - 'Schizoid personality disorder': occurs in about 3.1%-4.9% of general population (slightly more common in males; rare in psychiatric patients: ~2.2%).
• Schizotypal personality profile {prevalence estimate: ~ 4,4%}:
Unconventional beliefs featured by social anxiety with paranoid ideation | CODE: E-- & N++ with A- C- (O+)
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -22.9%, Conscientiousness -20.2%, Neuroticism +45.1%, Extraversion -49.6%, Openness +7.4%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -26.1%, ALPHA -29.4%, BETA -21.1%, Melancholic temperament
Two Schizotypal subtypes (according Theodore Millon):
A - Insipid schizotypal = Schizotypal variant combined with Schizoid-, Depressive- & Dependent structure;
B - Timorous schizotypal = Schizotypal variant combined with Avoidant- & Negativistic structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely a schizotypal profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Jesse Eisenberg, American actor [A=3.3; C=3.9; N=7.6; E=1.9; O=7.4 | Schizotypal B variant]
- Johnny Depp, American actor [A=5.5; C=3.8; N=7.4; E=3.2; O=6.6 | Schizotypal variant combined with Depressive structure], Depp has social anxiety (with depression);
- Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party [A=5.2; C=3.2; N=6.7; E=2.1; O=7.6 | Schizotypal variant combined with Depressive structure];
- Albert Speer, Reich Minister of Armaments and War Prod. for Nazi Germany [A=4.6; C=7.2; N=6.4; E=1.9; O=3.2 | Schizotypal variant combined with Paranoid structure];
- Tina Fey, American actress & comedian [A=2.6; C=3.9; N=5.9; E=3.7; O=7.7 | Schizotypal variant combined with Negativistic structure].

NOTICE - 'Schizotypal personality disorder': occurs in about 0,6%-4,9% of general population (slightly more common in males; very rare in psychiatric patients: 0%-1,9%).
>> CLUSTER II: involves four profiles which are characterized by 'dramatic' and/or 'unpredictable' behaviors.
• Antisocial personality profile {prevalence estimate: ~ 0,8%}:
Disregard for the rights of others with a low moral sense or conscience | CODE: A--- with C-- (E+) (O+), normal N
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -64.6%, Conscientiousness -47.7%, Neuroticism +5.2%, Extraversion +16.8%, Openness +7.4%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -18.6%, ALPHA -39.1%, BETA +12.1%, Choleric temperament
Five Antisocial subtypes (according Theodore Millon):
A - Nomadic antisocial = Antisocial variant combined with Schizoid- & Avoidant structure;
B - Malevolent antisocial = Antisocial variant combined with Sadistic- & Paranoid structure;
C - Covetous antisocial = Antisocial variant combined with Negativistic structure;
D - Risk-taking antisocial = Antisocial variant combined with Histrionic structure;
E - Reputation-defending antisocial = Antisocial variant combined with Narcissistic structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely an antisocial profile [Big Five profile according]:
(No celeb examples available for this profile)

NOTICE - 'Antisocial personality disorder': occurs in ~1,8% of general population (much more common in males; very common in psychiatric patients: 3%-30%, prison: 21%-47%).
• Borderline personality profile {prevalence estimate: ~ 2,2%}:
Intense unstable relationships with other people | CODE: N+++ with A- C- (O+), normal E
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -37.1%, Conscientiousness -36.2%, Neuroticism +67.8%, Extraversion -1.0%, Openness +7.4%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -26.9%, ALPHA -47.0%, BETA +3.2%, Melancholic temperament
Four Borderline subtypes (according Theodore Millon):
A - Discouraged borderline = Borderline variant combined with Avoidant-, Depressive- & Dependent structure;
B - Petulant borderline = Borderline variant combined with Negativistic structure;
C - Impulsive borderline = Borderline variant combined with Histrionic- or Antisocial structure;
D - Self-destructive borderline = Borderline variant combined with Depressive- or Self-defeating structure.
CELEB approaching most closely a borderline profile [Big Five profile according]:
- Angelina Jolie, American actress [A=4.2; C=2.8; N=8.2; E=7.6; O=3.2 | Borderline D variant], she was diagnosed with a "presumptive borderline personality disorder".

NOTICE - 'Borderline personality disorder': occurs in ~1,6% of general population (slightly more common in females; very common in psychiatric patients: 10%-20%, prison: 17%).
• Histrionic personality profile {prevalence estimate: ~ 3,6%}:
Pattern of attention-seeking emotions | CODE: E++ with O+ C- (N+) (A-)
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -13.6%, Conscientiousness -27.2%, Neuroticism +15.6%, Extraversion +55.5%, Openness +31.6%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +6.2%, ALPHA -18.8%, BETA +43.6%, Choleric temperament
Five Histrionic subtypes (according Theodore Millon):
A - Appeasing histrionic = Histrionic variant combined with Dependent- & Obsessive-compulsive structure;
B - Vivacious histrionic = Histrionic variant combined with Hypomanic structure (+ Narcissistic structure may be present as well);
C - Tempestuous histrionic = Histrionic variant combined with Negativistic structure;
D - Disingenuous histrionic = Histrionic variant combined with Antisocial structure;
E - Infantile histrionic = Histrionic variant combined with Borderline structure.
CELEB approaching most closely a histrionic profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Robert Downey Jr., American actor [A=3.5; C=3.8; N=6.5; E=8.4; O=9.2 | Histrionic B variant].

NOTICE - 'Histrionic personality disorder': occurs in 2%-3% of general population (much more common in females; very common in psychiatric patients: 10%-15%).
• Narcissistic personality profile {prevalence estimate: ~ 2,2%}:
Exaggerated feelings of self-importance with need for admiration; lack of empathy | CODE: A-- with E+ (C-) (O+), normal N
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -61.5%, Conscientiousness -11.8%, Neuroticism +1.4%, Extraversion +27.3%, Openness +11.4%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -7.2%, ALPHA -24.9%, BETA +19.4%, Choleric temperament
Five Narcissistic subtypes (1st, 2nd & 3rd according Theodore Millon, 4th & 5th according Fromm):
A - Unprincipled narcissistic = Narcissistic variant combined with Antisocial structure;
B - Amorous narcissistic = Narcissistic variant combined with Histrionic structure;
C - Compensatory narcissistic = Narcissistic variant combined with Negativistic- & Avoidant structure;
D - Fanatic narcissistic = Narcissistic variant combined with Paranoid structure;
E - Malignant narcissistic = Narcissistic variant combined with Antisocial-, Sadistic- and Paranoid structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely a narcissistic profile [Big Five profile according]:
- Matt Damon, American actor [A=2.1; C=7.8; N=7.2; E=6.9; O=6.2 | Narcissistic variant combined with Choleric structure];
- Lyndon B. Johnson, 36th US president [A=1.4; C=7.2; N=8.5; E=9.0; O=1.8 | Narcissistic variant combined with Choleric structure];
- Charlize Theron, American actress [A=2.1; C=6.4; N=5.5; E=8.0; O=5.8 | Narcissistic variant combined with Sadistic structure].

NOTICE - 'Narcissistic personality disorder': occurs in ~1% of general population (slightly more common in males; more common in psychiatric patients: 2%-16%).
>> CLUSTER III: involves three profiles which are characterized by 'anxious' and/or 'fearful' behaviors
• Avoidant personality profile {prevalence estimate: ~ 3,0%}:
Social anxiety with feelings of inadequacy, despite a strong desire for intimacy | CODE: E--- & N++ with (O-), normal A C
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -3.4%, Conscientiousness -4.3%, Neuroticism +55.9%, Extraversion -69.0%, Openness -12.8%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -29.1%, ALPHA -21.2%, BETA -41.1%, Melancholic temperament
Four Avoidant subtypes (according Theodore Millon):
A - Phobic avoidant = Avoidant dominant + approaching towards Dependent structure;
B - Conflicted avoidant = Avoidant variant combined with Negativistic structure;
C - Hypersensitive avoidant = Avoidant variant combined with Paranoid structure;
D - Self-deserting avoidant = Avoidant variant combined with Depressive structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely an avoidant profile:
- Nicole Kidman, Australian actress [A=6.1; C=4.3; N=7.2; E=2.2; O=3.3 | Avoidant variant combined with Autistiform structure];
- Ruhollah Khomeini, 1st Supreme Leader of Iran [A=5.2; C=8.6; N=8.8; E=1.2; O=7.9 | Avoidant variant combined with Schizotypal structure].

NOTICE - 'Avoidant personality disorder': occurs in ~2,4% of general population (equal prevalence in males & females; more common in psychiatric patients: ~14,7%).
• Dependent personality profile {prevalence estimate: ~ 3,3%}:
Psychological depending on others to meet own emotional and physical needs | CODE: N++ with A+ E- (O-) (C-)
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +28.9%, Conscientiousness -10.4%, Neuroticism +50.8%, Extraversion -26.4%, Openness -12.4%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -14.2%, ALPHA -10.8%, BETA -19.4%, Melancholic temperament
Four Dependent subtypes (according Theodore Millon):
A - Disquieted dependent = Dependent variant combined with Avoidant structure;
B - Selfless dependent = Dependent variant combined with Self-defeating structure;
C - Accommodating dependent = Dependent variant combined with Histrionic structure;
D - Ineffectual dependent = Dependent variant combined with Schizoid structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely a dependent profile [Big Five profile according]:
- Nicolas Cage, American actor [A=6.5; C=2.6; N=8.2; E=3.2; O=7.6 | Dependent variant combined with Schizotypal structure];
- Rudolf Hess, Deputy Führer of the Nazi Party [A=8.8; C=1.2; N=5.1; E=1.8; O=2.6 | Dependent variant combined with Merciful structure].

NOTICE - 'Dependent personality disorder': occurs in ~0,5% of general population (more common in females; uncommon in psychiatric patients).
• Obsessive-Compulsive personality profile {prevalence estimate: ~ 4,1%}:
Inefficient pattern of concern with orderliness & details, at the expense of openness to experience & flexibility | CODE: C++ with O- E- (N+) (A-)
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -6.5%, Conscientiousness +54,2%, Neuroticism +16.1%, Extraversion -22.6%, Openness -27.5%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -3.7%, ALPHA +10.5%, BETA -25.1%, Melancholic temperament
Five Obsessive-compulsive subtypes (according Theodore Millon):
A - Conscientious compulsive = Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Dependent structure;
B - Bureaucratic compulsive = Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Narcissistic structure;
C - Puritanical compulsive = Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Paranoid structure;
D - Parsimonious compulsive = Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Schizoid structure;
E - Bedeviled compulsive = Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Negativistic structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely an obsessive-compulsive profile [Big Five profile according]:
- Saddam Hussein, 5th president of Iraq [A=2.1; C=7.6; N=5.8; E=5.1; O=3.3 | Obsessive-compulsive C variant];
- Calvin Coolidge, 30th US president [A=2.8; C=8.7; N=8.1; E=2.0; O=3.2 | Obsessive-compulsive C variant];
- Herbert Hoover, 31th US president [A=2.1; C=8.8; N=8.1; E=1.6; O=1.8 | Obsessive-compulsive C variant];
- Sean Connery, Scottish actor [A=3.2; C=6.8; N=4.3; E=3.8; O=3.4 | Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Inert structure];
- George Washington, 1st US president [A=2.4; C=9.4; N=4.0; E=2.8; O=2.2 | Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Inert structure];
- Robert De Niro, American actor [A=1.3; C=8.3; N=4.8; E=1.4; O=1.9 | Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Inert structure]
- Natalie Portman, American actress [A=4.2; C=9.2; N=4.5; E=2.6; O=4.0 | Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Inconspicious structure];
- Heinrich Himmler, Reichs Führer-SS [A=5.4; C=7.4; N=7.6; E=2.3; O=2.9 | Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Avoidant structure];
- Osama Bin Laden, 1st General Emir of Al-Qaeda [A=6.1; C=7.9; N=7.2; E=2.7; O=6.7 | Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Merciful structure];
- Harry Truman, 33rd US president [A=3.3; C=8.5; N=7.5; E=8.5; O=2.3 | Obsessive-compulsive variant combined with Choleric structure].

NOTICE - 'Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder': occurs in 2,1%-7,9% of general population (twice more common in males; common in psychiatric patients: 8-9%).
>> CLUSTER IV: involves four profiles which are characterized by prototype behaviors associated with some of the most common forms of psychopathology.
• Autistiform personality profile {~ 2,5%}:
Difficulties in establishing and maintaining relationships & conversations, unusual behaviors | CODE: E-- & N++ with O- C- (A-)
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -17.3%, Conscientiousness -21.2%, Neuroticism +48.2%, Extraversion -62.3%, Openness -24.5%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -34.8%, ALPHA -29.0%, BETA -43.4%, Melancholic temperament
(Subtypes are not associated with other profiles)
CELEB approaching most closely an autistiform profile:
- Kristen Stewart, American actress [A=2.6; C=2.1; N=7.2; E=2.2; O=1.8 | Autistiform variant combined with Hyperkinetic structure].

NOTICE - 'Autistic spectrum disorder': occurs in ~1,5% of general population (4x more common in males; more common in psychiatric patients: ~3%).
• Hyperkinetic personality profile {~ 3,0%}:
Low self-directedness, inattentive behavior and/or hyperactive behavior | CODE: C-- & N++ & A-- with (E-), normal O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -43.3%, Conscientiousness -52.2%, Neuroticism +51.8%, Extraversion -11.2%, Openness -5.6%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -32.8%, ALPHA -49.1%, BETA -8.4%, Melancholic temperament
(Subtypes are not associated with other profiles)
CELEB approaching most closely a hyperkinetic profile:
- George H.W. Bush, 41st US president [A=2.9; C=3.8; N=5.8; E=5.5; O=2.3 | Hyperkinetic variant combined with Paranoid structure].

NOTICE - 'Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome (ADHD)': 1%-7% of general population (3x more common in males; more common in psychiatric patients: 5,3%-16,8%).
• Sadistic personality profile {~ 3,0%}:
Deliberate cruelty, either mental or physical, to other people, (or to animals) | CODE: A--- & E++ & C-- with (O+), normal N
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -72.4%, Conscientiousness -38.5%, Neuroticism +0.0%, Extraversion +57.8%, Openness +14.1%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -7.8%, ALPHA -37.0%, BETA +36.0%, Choleric temperament
(Subtypes are not associated with other profiles)
CELEBS approaching most closely a sadistic profile:
- Mao Zedong, founding father of the People's Republic of China [A=2.9; C=2.3; N=4.1; E=6.6; O=7.4 | Sadistic variant combined with Antisocial structure];
- Andrew Jackson, 7th US president [A=2.6; C=3.1; N=5.6; E=9.4; O=1.9 | Sadistic variant combined with Antisocial structure], "sadistic domination" was one of the characteristic behaviors of this former slave trader;
- Donald Trump, 45th US president [A=1.4; C=2.6; N=3.3; E=8.6; O=1.6 | Sadistic variant combined with Antisocial structure], Trump is a 'malignant narcissist', according psychologist John Gartner (the concept of malignant narcissisim includes both the sadistic- & antisocial aspect);
- John F. Kennedy, 35th US president [A=2.3; C=1.8; N=2.7; E=9.5; O=8.2 | Sadistic variant combined with Histrionic structure];
- Bill Clinton, 42th US president [A=2.4; C=0.5; N=5.8; E=9.6; O=8.2 | Sadistic variant combined with Histrionic structure];
- Franklin Roosevelt, 32nd US president [A=1.6; C=2.7; N=2.4; E=9.5; O=4.5 | Sadistic variant combined with Engaged structure];
- Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag [A=1.9; C=1.6; N=1.2; E=8.9; O=1.6 | Sadistic variant combined with Engaged structure];
- George W. Bush, 43rd US president [A=1.8; C=1.7; N=4.9; E=9.5; O=1.9 | Sadistic variant combined with Narcissistic structure].

NOTICE - 'Sadistic personality disorder': 0,2%-2% of general population (5x higher prevalence in males; much more common in adolescent forensic psychiatric patients: 14%).
• Hypomanic personality profile {~ 3,3%}:
High energy: disinhibited & elevated behavior, combined with high levels of euphoria or irritation | CODE: O++ & E++ with (C-) (N+), normal A
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -2.2%, Conscientiousness -16.5%, Neuroticism +9.9%, Extraversion +48.5%, Openness +52.8%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +14.5%, ALPHA -9.5%, BETA +50.6%, Choleric temperament
(Subtypes are not associated with other profiles)
CELEB approaching most closely a hypomanic profile:
- Jon Stewart, American comedian & television host [A=6.6; C=4.8; N=6.6; E=6.6; O=7.6 | Hypomanic variant combined with Sociable structure];
- Joseph Goebbels, Chancellor of Nazi Germany [A=5.2; C=8.1; N=6.2; E=7.3; O=6.9 | Hypomanic variant combined with Sociable structure];
- Abraham Lincoln, 16th US president [A=7.6; C=7.5; N=8.2; E=7.5; O=9.5 | Hypomanic variant combined with Sociable structure];
- Dakota Fanning, American actress [A=6.7; C=8.7; N=6.2; E=5.7; O=8.7 | Hypomanic variant combined with Responsible structure].

NOTICE - 'Bipolar Disorder': ~0,5% of general population (equal prevalence in males & females; much more common in psychiatric patients: 3%-9%).
>> CLUSTER V: involves three profiles which are characterized by high Neuroticism combined with low Openness and lower Conscientiousness.
• Negativistic personality profile {~ 0,6%}:
Passive-aggressive attitudes + passive resistance to demands manifesting in social & occupational situations | CODE: N++ with A- C- (E-), normal O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -34.0%, Conscientiousness -23.2%, Neuroticism +52.1%, Extraversion -16.2%, Openness -2.7%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -25.6%, ALPHA -36.4%, BETA -9.5%, Melancholic temperament
Four Negativistic subtypes (according Theodore Millon):
A - Vascillating negativistic = Negativistic variant combined with Borderline structure;
B - Discontented negativistic = Negativistic variant combined with Depressive- & Avoidant structure;
C - Circuitous negativistic = Negativistic variant combined with Dependent- & Antisocial structure;
D - Abrasive negativistic = Negativistic variant combined with Sadistic structure.
CELEB approaching most closely a negativistic profile:
(No celeb examples available for this profile)

NOTICE - 'Negativistic personality disorder': 1,7%-3,3% of general population (higher prevalence in males; much more common in psychiatric patients: 9%-27%).
• Depressive personality profile {~ 0,8%}:
Pattern of depressive cognitions and behaviors, pessimistic perceptions involving self-concept & mood | CODE: N++ with E- (C-), normal A O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +4.8%, Conscientiousness -9.1%, Neuroticism +37.9%, Extraversion -30.6%, Openness -1.6%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -15.1%, ALPHA -14.4%, BETA -16.1%, Melancholic temperament
Five Depressive subtypes (according Theodore Millon):
A - Ill-humoured depressive = Depressive variant combined with Negativistic structure;
B - Voguish depressive = Depressive variant combined with Histrionic- & Narcissistic structure;
C - Self-derogating depressive = Depressive variant combined with Dependent structure;
D - Morbid depressive = Depressive variant combined with Schizoid- & Self-defeating structure;
E - Restive depressive = Depressive variant combined with Borderline- & Avoidant structure.
CELEB approaching most closely a depressive profile:
- Daniel Day-Lewis, English-Irish actor [A=7.1; C=5.2; N=6.9; E=2.8; O=8.3 | Depressive C variant].

NOTICE - 'Depressive personality disorder': 0,2%-3,0% of general population (higher prevalence in females; much more common in psychiatric patients: 22%).
• Self-defeating personality profile {~ 1,7%}:
Self-defeating behavior, undermining of pleasurable experiences and rejection of help offered by others | CODE: N+++ & A++ & C-- with E+ (O-)
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +52%, Conscientiousness -40.0%, Neuroticism +80.0%, Extraversion +26.1%, Openness -16.3%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -11.5%, ALPHA -22.4%, BETA +4.9%, Choleric temperament
(Subtypes are not associated with other profiles)
CELEB approaching most closely a self-defeating profile:
- Leonardo Di Caprio, American actor [A=5.2; C=3.3; N=7.0; E=6.1; O=3.4 | Self-defeating variant combined with Choleric structure];
- Jennifer Aniston, American actress [A=7.9; C=5.0; N=8.2; E=7.8; O=7.0 | Self-defeating variant combined with Hypomanic structure], she "spent much of her life suffering from 'low self-esteem' and 'a sense of shame.'".

NOTICE - 'Self-defeating personality disorder': ~1,5% of general population (higher prevalence in females; much more common in psychiatric patients & eating disorders).
>> CLUSTER VI (includes three profiles that represent counterparts of the CLUSTER I profiles):
• Trusting personality profile {~ 5,5%}:
Credulity, unsuspiciousness and generalized trust of others | CODE: A++ & N-- with E+ (O+), normal C
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +56.1%, Conscientiousness -3.3%, Neuroticism -40.5%, Extraversion +30.5%, Openness +14.9%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +26.0%, ALPHA +31.1%, BETA +22.7%, Sanguine temperament
Five Trusting subtypes (based on counterparts of Paranoid subtypes):
A - Submissive trusting = Trusting variant combined with Tolerant structure;
B - Indifferent trusting = Trusting variant combined with Humble structure;
C - Affable trusting = Trusting variant combined with Positivistic structure;
D - Broad-minded trusting = Trusting variant combined with Engaged structure;
E - Benign trusting = Trusting variant combined with Merciful structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely a trusting profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Robert Pattinson, English actor [A=7.5; C=3.8; N=2.8; E=4.1; O=7.8 | Trusting A variant];
- Elle Fanning, American actress [A=8.7; C=3.9; N=0.9; E=8.2; O=4.6 | Trusting variant combined with Pragmatic structure].

• Sociable personality profile {~ 2,8%}:
High interest in social relationships, pro social lifestyle & benevolent towards intimate attachments | CODE: E++ with O+ (A+), normal N C
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +18.9%, Conscientiousness -2.3%, Neuroticism +7.1%, Extraversion +77.3%, Openness +27.5%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +22.9%, ALPHA +3.2%, BETA +52.4%, Choleric temperament
Four Sociable subtypes (based on counterparts of Schizoid subtypes):
A - Energetic sociable = Sociable variant combined with Optimistic structure;
B - Adjoining sociable = Sociable variant combined with Engaged- & Pragmatic structure;
C - Personalized sociable = Sociable variant combined with Pragmatic structure;
D - Affectless sociable = Sociable variant combined with Obsessive-compulsive structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely a sociable profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Emma Stone, American actress [A=6.5; C=5.7; N=5.3; E=7.8; O=5.9 | Social N.O.S.];
- Kevin Spacey, American actor [A=6.3; C=4.8; N=3.6; E=7.6; O=4.3 | Social B variant combined with Engaged structure];
- Keira Knightley, English actress [A=5.6; C=3.6; N=4.3; E=7.8; O=6.4 | Social variant combined with Hypomanic/Histrionic structure].

• Pragmatic personality profile {~ 3,6%}:
Conventional beliefs featured by social confidence with sane ideation | CODE: E++ with N- (C+) (A+), normal O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +15.7%, Conscientiousness +19.0%, Neuroticism -31.4%, Extraversion +54.7%, Openness -8.3%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +22.5%, ALPHA +22.0%, BETA +23.2%, Sanguine temperament
Two Pragmatic subtypes (based on counterparts of Schizotypal subtypes):
A - Flavoursome pragmatic = Pragmatic variant combined with Sociable-, Optimistic- & Autonomous structure;
B - Bold pragmatic = Pragmatic variant combined with Engaged- & Optimistic structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely a pragmatic profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Gerald Ford, 38th US president [A=5.3; C=6.9; N=1.5; E=9.1; O=1.8 | Pragmatic variant combined with Engaged structure];
- Idi Amin, 3rd President of Uganda [A=6.6; C=0.9; N=0.9; E=7.3; O=0.9 | Pragmatic variant combined with Engaged structure];
- Woody Harrelson, American actor [A=6.1; C=6.3; N=5.6; E=7.2; O=1.2 | Pragmatic variant combined with Choleric structure];
- Dwight Eisenhower, 34th US President [A=3.3; C=9.5; N=3.0; E=7.1; O=2.9 | Pragmatic variant combined with Obsessive-compulsive structure],

>> CLUSTER VII (includes three profiles that represent counterparts of the CLUSTER II profiles):
• Responsible personality profile {~ 1,4%}:
Respecting the rights of others with a high moral sense and/or conscience | CODE: A+++ with C+ (E-), normal N O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +64.6%, Conscientiousness +47.7%, Neuroticism -5.2%, Extraversion -16.8%, Openness -7.4%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +18.6%, ALPHA +39.1%, BETA -12.1%, Phlegmatic temperament
Five Responsible subtypes (based on counterparts of Antisocial subtypes):
A - Settled responsible = Responsible variant combined with Sociable- & Engaged structure;
B - Benevolent responsible = Responsible variant combined with Merciful- & Trusting structure;
C - Generous responsible = Responsible variant combined with Positivistic structure;
D - Risk-averse responsible = Responsible variant combined with Inconspicious structure;
E - Reputation-abbondon responsible = Responsible variant combined with Humble structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely a responsible profile [Big Five profiles according]:
(No celeb examples available for this profile)

• Determined personality profile {~ 3,0%}:
Calm, stable relationships with society & other people | CODE: N--- with A+ C+ (O-), normal E
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +37.1%, Conscientiousness +36.2%, Neuroticism -67.8%, Extraversion +1.0%, Openness -7.4%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +26.9%, ALPHA +47.0%, BETA -3.2%, Sanguine temperament
Four Determined subtypes (based on counterparts of Borderline subtypes):
A - Encourage determined = Determined variant combined with Engaged-, Optimistic- & Autonomous structure;
B - Good-natured determined = Determined variant combined with Positivistic structure;
C - Cautious determined = Determined variant combined with Inconspicious- or Responsible structure;
D - Self-regenerating determined = Determined variant combined with Optimistic- or Self-raising structure.
CELEB approaching most closely a determined profile [Big Five profile according]:
(No celeb examples available for this profile)

• Inconspicious personality profile {~ 2,5%}:
Moderate behavior, emotions are expressed in privacy | CODE: E-- with O- C+ (N-) (A+)
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +13.6%, Conscientiousness +27.2%, Neuroticism -15.6%, Extraversion -55.5%, Openness -31.6%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -6.2%, ALPHA +18.8%, BETA -43.6%, Phlegmatic temperament
Five Inconspicious subtypes (based on counterparts of Histrionic subtypes):
A - Aggravating inconspicious = Inconspicious variant combined with Autonomous- & Tolerant structure;
B - Dull inconspicious = Inconspicious variant combined with Inert structure (+ Humble structure may be present as well);
C - Calm inconspicious = Inconspicious variant combined with Positivistic structure;
D - Ingenuous inconspicious = Inconspicious variant combined with Responsible structu;
E - Mature inconspicious = Inconspicious variant combined with Determined structure.
CELEB approaching most closely an inconspicious profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Christopher Walken, American actor [A=6.5; C=7.6; N=4.0; E=2.5; O=2.1 | Inconspicious B variant];
- Scarlett Johansson, American-Danish actress [A=5.6; C=4.2; N=2.4; E=3.2; O=2.1 | Inconspicious B variant];
- Brad Pitt, American actor [A=6.4; C=2.6; N=3.4; E=2.9; O=2.3 | Inconspicious B variant];
- Karl Doenitz, President of the German Reich [A=4.0; C=9.0; N=3.3; E=2.6; O=2.3 | Inconspicious variant combined with Obsessive-compulsive structure].

• Humble personality profile {~ 3,9%}:
Modest feelings of self-importance without need for admiration, combined with high empathy | CODE: A++ with E- (C+) (O-), normal N
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +61.5%, Conscientiousness +11.8%, Neuroticism -1.4%, Extraversion -27.3%, Openness -11.4%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +7.2%, ALPHA +24.9%, BETA -19.4%, Phlegmatic temperament
Five Humble subtypes (based on counterparts of Narcissistic subtypes):
A - Principled humble = Humble variant combined with Responsible structure;
B - Unloving humble = Humble variant combined with Inconspicious structure;
C - Chastening humble = Humble variant combined with Positivistic- & Engaged structure;
D - Pasionless humble = Humble variant combined with Trusting structure;
E - Benign humble = Humble variant combined with Responsible-, Merciful- & Trusting structure.
CELEB approaching most closely a humble profile:
- Carey Mulligan, English actress [A=7.8; C=6.6; N=6.1; E=4.6; O=6.2 | Humble A variant];
- Joachim von Ribbentrop, Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany [A=8.4; C=5.5; N=4.1; E=6.1; O=2.2 | Humble A variant];
- Andrew Garfield, British/American actor [A=7.0; C=5.2; N=4.7; E=4.3; O=7.4 | Humble D variant];
- John Travolta, American actor [A=7.8; C=3.6; N=4.4; E=2.2; O=2.6 | Humble variant combined with Inert structure].

>> CLUSTER VIII (includes three profiles that represent counterparts of the CLUSTER III profiles):
• Engaged personality profile {~ 2,8%}:
Social bravery, without feelings of inadequacy regarding needs for intimacy | CODE: E+++ & N-- with (O+), normal A C
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +3.4%, Conscientiousness +4.4%, Neuroticism -55.9%, Extraversion +69.0%, Openness +12.8%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +29.2%, ALPHA +21.2%, BETA +44.1%, Sanguine temperament
Four Engaged subtypes (based on counterparts of Avoidant subtypes):
A - Rational engaged = Engaged variant combined with Autonomous structure;
B - Accorded engaged = Engaged variant combined with Positivistic structure;
C - Thick-skinned engaged = Engaged variant combined with Trusting structure;
D - Self-supporting engaged = Engaged variant combined with Optimistic structure.
CELEB approaching most closely an engaged profile:
- Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US president [A=1.6; C=8.4; N=3.2; E=9.6; O=5.6 | Engaged A variant];
- Meryl Streep, American actress [A=4.4; C=2.9; N=2.3; E=7.6; O=4.4 | Engaged D variant];
- Denzel Washington, American actor [A=6.4; C=5.3; N=0.5; E=9.0; O=3.7 | Engaged variant combined with Pragmatic structure];
- Will Smith, American actor [A=8.2; C=4.1; N=0.9; E=9.3; O=4.2 | Engaged variant combined with Pragmatic structure];
- Jennifer Lawrence, American actress [A=5.3; C=5.5; N=1.5; E=8.7; O=5.8 | Engaged variant combined with Commercing structure];
- Mila Kunis, American actress [A=4.6; C=2.3; N=2.6; E=8.2; O=4.7 | Engaged variant combined with Tollerant structure];
- Ronald Reagan, 40th US President [A=3.6; C=1.9; N=1.3; E=9.4; O=2.5 | Engaged variant combined with Saddistic structure].

• Autonomous personality profile {~ 3,6%}:
Psychologically independent of others to fulfill their own emotional and physical needs | CODE: N-- with A- E+ (O+) (C+)
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -28.9%, Conscientiousness +10.4%, Neuroticism -50.8%, Extraversion +26.4%, Openness +12.4%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +14.2%, ALPHA +10.8%, BETA +19.4%, Sanguine temperament
Four Autonomous subtypes (based on counterparts of Dependent subtypes):
A - Comfortable autonomous = Autonomous variant combined with Engaged structure;
B - Selfish autonomous = Autonomous variant combined with Self-rising structure;
C - Unaccommodating autonomous = Autonomous variant combined with Inconspicious structure;
D - Effectual autonomous = Autonomous variant combined with Sociable structure.
CELEB approaching most closely an autonomous profile [Big Five profile according]:
- Joseph Stalin, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party [A=1.2; C=8.9; N=4.3; E=5.9; O=5.5 | Autonomous B variant];
- George Clooney, American actor [A=3.7; C=8.6; N=2.9; E=6.8; O=6.3 | Autonomous variant combined with Commercing structure].

• Tolerant personality profile {~ 5,2%}:
Efficient interest in orderliness & details, above average openness to experience & flexibility | CODE: C-- with O+ E+ (N-) (A+)
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +6.5%, Conscientiousness -54,2%, Neuroticism -16.1%, Extraversion +22.6%, Openness +27.5%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +3.7%, ALPHA -10.5%, BETA +25.1%, Sanguine temperament
Five Tolerant subtypes (based on counterparts of Obsessive-compulsive subtypes):
A - Careless tolerant = Tolerant variant combined with Autonomous structure;
B - Anarchic tolerant = Tolerant variant combined with Humble structure;
C - Liberated tolerant = Tolerant variant combined with Trusting structure;
D - Generous tolerant = Tolerant variant combined with Sociable structure;
E - Conscious tolerant = Tolerant variant combined with Positivistic structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely an tolerant profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Che Guevara, Argentine Marxist revolutionary [A=6.2; C=2.9; N=4.2; E=6.6; O=6.7 | Tolerant variant combined with Hypomanic structure];
- Ulrike Meinhof, West German far-left militant [A=6.8; C=2.2; N=4.3; E=7.2; O=7.0 | Tolerant variant combined with Hypomanic structure];
- Mia Wasikowska, Australian actress [A=6.2; C=3.9; N=5.2; E=3.7; O=8.4 | Tolerant variant combined with Hypomanic structure];
- Muammar Gaddafi, Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution of Libya [A=6.8; C=2.1; N=5.7; E=6.8; O=5.8 | Tolerant variant combined with Histrionic structure].

>> CLUSTER IX (includes four profiles that represent counterparts of the CLUSTER IV profiles):
• Commercing personality profile {~ 4,4%}:
Skills for establishing and maintaining conversations & relationships, effective behaviors | CODE: E++ & N-- with O+ C+ (A+)
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +17.3%, Conscientiousness +21.4%, Neuroticism -48.2%, Extraversion +62.3%, Openness +24.5%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +34.8%, ALPHA +29.0%, BETA +43.4%, Sanguine temperament
(No subtypes)
CELEBS approaching most closely a commercing profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- David Letterman, American television host [A=4.8; C=8.2; N=3.2; E=8.1; O=7.1 | Commercing variant combined with Engaged structure];
- Tom Hanks, American actor [A=5.3; C=8.6; N=1.3; E=9.7; O=4.9 | Commercing variant combined with Engaged structure];
- Barack Obama, 44th US President [A=5.1; C=7.4; N=0.6; E=6.1; O=7.7 | Commercing variant combined with Imperturbable structure].

• Imperturbable personality profile {~ 3,0%}:
High self-directedness, attentive behavior and/or inactive behavior | CODE: C++ & N-- & A+ with (E+), normal O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +43.3%, Conscientiousness +52.2%, Neuroticism -51.8%, Extraversion +11.2%, Openness +5.6%;
-META components: Cognitive efficiency +32.8%, ALPHA +49.1%, BETA +8.4%, Sanguine temperament
(No subtypes)
CELEB approaching most closely an imperturbable profile:
- Anne Hathaway, American actress [A=8.7; C=8.2; N=2.2; E=7.5; O=4.4 | Imperturbable variant combined with Determined structure];
- Huge Jackman, Austrian-American actor [A=9.5; C=8.8; N=0.8; E=8.4; O=3.5 | Imperturbable variant combined with Determined structure];
- Vin Diesel, American actor [A=7.6; C=6.7; N=2.2; E=6.2; O=4.3 | Imperturbable/Determined variant].

• Merciful personality profile {~ 2,2%}:
Humane gentleness, either mental or physical, to other people, (or to animals) | CODE: A+++ & E-- & C++ with (O-) normal N
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +72.4%, Conscientiousness +38.5%, Neuroticism 0%, Extraversion -57.8%, Openness -14.1%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +7.8%, ALPHA +37.0%, BETA -36.0%, Phlegmatic temperament
(No subtypes)
CELEBS approaching most closely a merciful profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Anthony Hopkins, American actor [A=6.8; C=7.2; N=5.4; E=1.3; O=4.6 | Merciful variant combined with Inconspicious structure];
- Naomi Watts, English actress [A=6.8; C=7.4; N=5.3; E=2.6; O=2.9 | Merciful variant combined with Inconspicious structure];
- James Madison, 4th US president [A=6.2; C=9.0; N=4.6; E=0.6; O=6.2 | Merciful variant combined with Inconspicious structure];
- Cate Blanchett, Australian actress [A=6.8; C=6.2; N=4.0; E=2.5; O=6.6 | Merciful variant combined with Humble structure].

• Inert personality profile {~ 3,0%}:
High energy: disinhibited & elevated behavior, combined with high levels of euphoria or irritation | CODE: O++ & E-- with (C+) (N-), normal A
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +2.2%, Conscientiousness +16.5%, Neuroticism -9.9%, Extraversion -48.4%, Openness -52.8%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -14.5%, ALPHA +9.5%, BETA -50.6%, Phlegmatic temperament
CELEB approaching most closely an inert profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Daniel Craig, English actor [A=1.8; C=4.7; N=3.6; E=2.8; O=1.9 | Inert variant combined with Schizoid structure].

>> CLUSTER X (includes three profiles that represent counterparts of the CLUSTER V profiles):
• Positivistic personality profile {~ 0,8%}:
Active-positive attitudes + active aiding to demands manifesting in social & occupational situations | CODE: N-- with A+ C+ (E+), normal O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness +34.0%, Conscientiousness +23.2%, Neuroticism -52.1%, Extraversion +16.2%, Openness +2.7%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +25.6%, ALPHA +36.4%, BETA +9.5%, Sanguine temperament
Four Positivistic subtypes (based on counterparts of Negativistic subtypes):
A - Confident positivistic = Positivistic variant combined with Determined structure;
B - Discontented positivistic = Positivistic variant combined with Optimistic- & Engaged structure;
C - Open positivistic = Positivistic variant combined with Autonomous- & Humble structure;
D - Smooth positivistic = Positivistic variant combined with Merciful structure.
CELEB approaching most closely a positivistic profile:
(No celeb examples available for this profile)

• Optimistic personality profile {~ 1,9%}:
Pattern of optimistic cognitions and behaviors, positive perceptions involving self-concept & mood | CODE: N-- with E+ (C+), normal O A
Big Five dimensions: Agreeableness -3.8%, Conscientiousness +9.1%, Neuroticism -37.9%, Extraversion +30.6%, Openness +1.6%;
META components: Cognitive efficiency +15.1%, ALPHA +14.4%, BETA +16.1%, Sanguine temperament
Four Optimistic subtypes (based on counterparts of Depressive subtypes):
A - Kind optimistic = Optimistic variant combined with Positivistic structure;
B - Tacky optimistic = Optimistic variant combined with Inconspicious- & Humble structure;
C - Self-endorsing optimistic = Optimistic variant combined with Autonomous structure;
D - Bright optimistic = Optimistic variant combined with Social- & Self-rising structure;
E - Patient optimistic = Optimistic variant combined with Determined- & Engaged structure.
CELEBS approaching most closely an optimistic profile [Big Five profiles according]:
(No celeb examples available for this profile)

• Self-rising personality profile {~ 1,7%}:
Self-raising behavior, cherishing pleasurable experiences and accepting of help offered by others | CODE: N--- & A-- & C++ with E- (O+)
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness -52.0%, Conscientiousness +40.0%, Neuroticism -80.0%, Extraversion -26.1%, Openness +16.3%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +11.5%, ALPHA +22.4%, BETA -4.9%, Phlegmatic temperament
Four Optimistic subtypes (based on counterparts of Depressive subtypes):
A - Sinful self-rising = Self-rising variant combined with Inconspicious structure;
B - Permissive self-rising = Self-rising variant combined with Positivistic structure;
C - Self-triumph self-rising = Self-rising variant combined with Engaged structure;
D - Alleviated self-rising = Self-rising variant combined with Optimistic structure.
CELEB approaching most closely a self-rising profile:
- Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austrian-American actor [A=3.6; C=9.3; N=1.2; E=4.3; O=6.1 | Self-rising variant combined with Imperturbable structure];
- Vladimir Putin, president of Russia [A=0.9; C=4.4; N=2.7; E=2.8; O=3.7 | Self-rising variant combined with Schizoid structure].

>> 5 Other profiles - the classic four types of temperament + a neutral profile:
• Choleric personality profile {~ 1,4%}:
Pattern of optimistic cognitions and behaviors, positive perceptions involving self-concept & mood | CODE: N+ E+, normal A C O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness 0%, Conscientiousness 0%, Neuroticism +25%, Extraversion +25%, Openness 0%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency 0%, ALPHA -8.3%, BETA +12.5%, Choleric temperament
(No subtypes)
CELEBS approaching most closely an choleric profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Mussolini, 27th Prime Minister of Italy [A=6.0; C=3.4; N=5.8; E=8.4; O=2.4 | Choleric variant combined with Self-defeating structure];
- Jimmy Carter, 39th US president [A=5.6; C=8.4; N=7.6; E=5.8; O=7.7 | Choleric variant combined with Hypomanic/Obsessive-compulsive structure].

• Melancholic personality profile {~ 1,1%}:
Pattern of optimistic cognitions and behaviors, positive perceptions involving self-concept & mood | CODE: N+ E-, normal A C O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness 0%, Conscientiousness 0%, Neuroticism +25%, Extraversion -25%, Openness 0%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency -10.0%, ALPHA -8.3%, BETA -12.5%, Melancholic temperament
(No subtypes)
CELEBS approaching most closely an melancholic profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Thomas Jefferson, 3rd US president [A=5.1; C=7.8; N=5.9; E=2.3; O=9.5 | Melancholic variant combined with Schizotypal structure].

• Phlegmatic personality profile {~ 1,1%}:
Pattern of optimistic cognitions and behaviors, positive perceptions involving self-concept & mood | CODE: N- E-, normal A C O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness 0%, Conscientiousness 0%, Neuroticism -25%, Extraversion -25%, Openness 0%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency 0%, ALPHA +8.3%, BETA -12.5%, Phlegmatic temperament
(No subtypes)
CELEBS approaching most closely an phlegmatic profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Ben Affleck, American actor [A=4.8; C=3.7; N=4.1; E=4.8; O=4.1 | Phlegmatic variant combined with Humble structure];
- Ryan Gosling, Canadian actor & musician [A=6.7; C=2.7; N=2.1; E=3.6; O=3.3 | Phlegmatic variant combined with Neutral structure].

• Sanguine personality profile {~ 1,1%}:
Pattern of optimistic cognitions and behaviors, positive perceptions involving self-concept & mood | CODE: N- E+, normal A C O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness 0%, Conscientiousness 0%, Neuroticism -25%, Extraversion +25%, Openness 0%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency +10.0%, ALPHA +8.3%, BETA +12.5%, Sanguine temperament
(No subtypes)
CELEBS approaching most closely an sanguine profile [Big Five profiles according]:
- Ulysses S. Grant, 18th US president [A=5.4; C=1.9; N=2.1; E=6.9; O=1.6 | Sanguine variant combined with Pragmatic structure];

• Neutral personality profile {~ 1,4%}:
(Any description would not be appropriate here) | CODE: normal A C N E O
- BIG FIVE dimensions: Agreeableness 0%, Conscientiousness 0%, Neuroticism 0%, Extraversion 0%, Openness 0%;
- META components: Cognitive efficiency 0%, ALPHA 0%, BETA 0%, neutral temperament
(No subtypes)
CELEBS approaching most closely a neutral profile [Big Five profiles according]:

- Explore the hands of celebrities (1) -
- Explore the hands of celebrities (2) -
In the near future the method described above will be used to find out whether
certain hand signs (such as for example the simian line) are more likely to match with certain personality profile structures, etc.