- Publication date: may 26, 2017 -
Hand sign constellations in the Big Five personality dimensions!
Summary of key-constellations in the Big Five personality dimensions: Neuroticism, Openness, Extraversion, Agreeableness & Conscientiousness
In january 2015 the very first conceptual hand chart was presented describing how hand sign combinations involving the hand morphology, the (major) crease & the dermatoglyphics made it possible to discriminate high- & low scorers for one of the Big Five personality dimensions. Now, almost 2,5 years later, charts are available for all 5 of the Big Five dimensions!
The continuation of the article presents the first summary of key-constellations displayed in each of the 5 charts; also, a few guidelines are presented for each chart describing how it varies from all other charts. In the near future more details will be presented describing the significance of specific hand sign combinations; meanwhile, each chart is also featured with an article for each of the Big Five dimensions describing how high- & low scorers have been separated from each other.
NOTICE: The presented order of the hand charts (N-O-E-A-C) is based on internal domain- and facet correlation patterns described in the Dutch NEO PI-R questionnaire tool, which involves the instrument used to assess the Big Five dimensions.
Full reports with more details:
• Hand signs in Neuroticism: 'emotional sensitivity' vs. 'emotional stability'!
• Hand signs in Openness: 'openness to experience' vs. 'closedness'!
• Hand signs in Extraversion: 'extraverted' vs. 'introverted'!
• Hand signs in Agreeableness: 'agreeable' vs. 'antagonistic'!
• Hand signs in Conscientiousness: 'conscientiousness' vs. 'disinhibition'!
NOTE: High resolution version of picture below is available HERE.

Phantom picture hand charts describing hand sign constellations for the Big Five personality dimensions:
Neuroticism - Openness - Extraversion - Agreeableness - Conscientiousness
- Hand sign constellations in NEUROTICISM -
[N+ = high emotional sensitivity; N- = high emotional stability]
The 6 N-facets: N1 Anxiety - N2 Hostility - N3 Depression - N4 Self-consciousness - N5 Impusiveness - N6 Vulnerability to stress

Key-factors for hand sign constellations in Neuroticism high scorers (= N+):
• Morphology:
- low set/short 5th digit [pinky].
• Major creases:
- short/irregular shaped major creases;
- both proximal creases: very high radial termination;
- distal creases: low set and/or low directed.
• Dermatoglyphics:
» Fingerprints:
- monomorphic ulnar loops (in 1 or both hands);
- whorls on digit 4 & 5 + ulnar loops on digit 1, 2 & 3;
- large, concentric whorls;
- multiple radial patterns involving digit 4 & 5.
» Palm:
- high palmar asymmetry (+ few fingerprint asymmetries);
- missing c-triradius and/or high positioned axial triradius.
Key-factors for hand sign constellations in Neuroticism low scorers (= N-):
• Morphology:
- high set/long 5th digit (pinky).
• Major creases:
- long/broad major creases;
- proximal creases: R-L radial termination asymmetry;
- distal creases: high set and/or high directed.
• Dermatoglyphics:
» Fingerprints:
- high amount of fingerprints asymmetries (+ low palm asymmetries);
- arches on the 2nd & 3rd digits;
- arch or ulnar arch on the 5th digit.
» Palm:
- very low positioned c-triradius in palmar zone below 4th digit (ring finger).
• Full report with more details:
Hand signs in Neuroticism: 'emotional sensitivity' vs. 'emotional stability'!
- Hand sign constellations in OPENNESS -
[O+ = high openness to new experience; O- = high closedness]
The 6 O-facets: O1 Fantasy - O2 Aesthetics - O3 Feelings - O4 Actions - O5 Ideas - O6 Values

Key-factors for hand sign constellations in Openness high scorers (= O+):
• Morphology:
- broad palm;
- 5th digit clinodactyly.
• Major creases:
- simian crease featured with a dissociated proximal crease;
- both hands: dissociated proximal crease (+ high positioned axial triradius: t'/t");
- large gap in proximal crease;
- short transversal creases.
• Dermatoglyphics:
» Fingerprints:
- multiple concentric whorls;
- concentric whorl on 4th digit in right hand next to a radial pattern (or also a concentric whorl or radial pattern on 4th digit of left hand);
- ulnar proximal whorls in both hands;
- radial pattern on 4th or 5th digit;
- radial tented arch on 3rd digit / ulnar tented arch on any digit;
- radial loop on 2nd digit next to a radial pattern;
- arch on 1st digit + arch on another digit;
- ulnar arch on both 1st digits + arch on 2nd digit.
» Palm:
- hypothenar arch / distal loop;
- both hands: ID3 loops (in palmar zone between middle- and ring finger);
- high positioned c-triradius + narrow triradial field.
Key-factors for hand sign constellations in Openness low scorers (= O-):
• Morphology:
- narrow palm;
- hypothenar root shifted towards mid-axis;
- very short proximal phalange 2nd digit.
• Major creases:
- Suwon crease;
- connected simian crease;
- connected Sydney crease;
- connected proximal crease ending close to the ulnar side & close not far away from the distal crease;
- connected proximal creases ending below axial triradius;
- right: disconnected proximal crease & left: connected proximal crease.
• Dermatoglyphics:
» Fingerprints:
- ulnar pocket loop on 3rd digit;
- radial double loop on 2nd digit;
- both hands: radial loop on 2nd digit + ulnar loop on all other digits (+ no radial hypothenar pattern);
- radial pattern on 2nd digit + normal axial triradius (+ radial hypothenar loop featured with extra triradius).
» Palm:
- a-line ends in or above distal crease;
- c-triradius: missing / abortive / low positioned.
• Full report with more details:
Hand signs in Openness: 'openness to experience' vs. 'closedness'!
- Hand sign constellations in EXTRAVERSION -
[E+ = high extraversion; E- = high introversion]
The 6 E-facets: E1 Warmth - E2 Gregariousness - E3 Assertiveness - E4 Activity - E5 Excitement seeking - E6 Positive

Key-factors for hand sign constellations in Extraversion high scorers (= E+):
• Morphology:
- low FL/PB value (= short 3rd digit relative to palm width);
- strong hypothenar + weak thenar.
• Major creases:
- strong upward curvation in distal crease / large distance between transverse creases;
- both hands: long connection between proximal crease & thenar crease.
• Dermatoglyphics:
» Fingerprints:
- small patterns;
- pattern symmetry on all 5 fingers;
- radial patterns on 2nd digit;
- arch(s) on 1st digt(s) only;
- in 1 hand combined: arch pattern(s) & whorl pattern(s);
- radial loop on 2nd digit featured with ulnar loops on all other digits.
» Palm:
- palmar whorl / double loop;
- high positioned axial triradius.
Key-factors for hand sign constellations in Extraversion low scorers (= E-):
• Morphology:
- high FL/PB value (= long 3rd digit relative to palm width);
- strong thenar + weak hypothenar.
• Major creases:
- weak curvation in distal crease;
- simian-like constellation / tendency for transverse creases to connect with each other;
- central located 'extra' transverse crease (= proximal 'twin' crease).
• Dermatoglyphics:
» Fingerprints:
- arch on 5th digit;
- ulnar arch related patterns;
- R-L asymmetry on at least 2 digits, with 3rd or 5th digit involved.
» Palm:
- radial palmar pattern(s);
- empty hand (= no loops, no whorls);
- very low & central located axial triradius.
• Full report with more details:
Hand signs in Extraversion: 'extraverted' vs. 'introverted'!
- Hand sign constellations in AGREEABLENESS -
[A+ = high agreeableness; A- = high antagonism]
The 6 6 A-facets: A1 Trust - A2 Straightforwardness - A3 Altruäsm - A4 Compliance - A5 Modesty - A6 Tendermindedness

Key-factors for hand sign constellations in Agreeableness high scorers (= A+):
• Morphology:
(no hand signs identified yet)
• Major creases:
- Suwon crease remnant / extra radial (proximal) crease;
- proximal crease has very high radial termination;
- right: disconnected proximal crease & left: connected proximal crease;
- short proximal creases.
• Dermatoglyphics:
» Fingerprints:
- concentric whorl on 5th digit;
- radial whorls on 2nd digits / radial whorl & concentric whorl on 2nd digits;
- radial pattern featured with an arch on an atypical digit;
- radial pocket loop on digit 1, 3, 4 or 5;
- tented arch on 3rd digit;
- arch / tented arch pattern combined with pattern featured with 2 triradii.
» Palm:
- large ulnar hypothenar loop;
- hypothenar whorl / double loop;
- ID2 loops / ID2 loop with ID3 & ID4 loops;
- ID2 loop featured with in total 4+ palmar loops in both hands.
Key-factors for hand sign constellations in Agreeableness low scorers (= A-):
• Morphology:
- low set & short 2nd digit (+ low set a-triradius).
• Major creases:
- disconnected Sydney crease & short distal creases;
- distal crease ends in proximal crease & distal remnant is missing;
- thenar crease ends beyond axial triradius.
• Dermatoglyphics:
» Fingerprints:
- digit 5: arch / concentric whorl / radial pattern;
- combi: ulnar double loop & ulnar pocket loop on 2 fingers not located next to each other;
- radial loop on 2nd digit (+ ID3 & ID4 loops);
- 9 extralimital patterns;
- arch on 2nd digit without: (1) arch on thumb in the same hand, (2) any radial pattern on other fingers, (3) ulnar palmar loop.
» Palm:
- empty hand featured with high located axial triradius (= t'/t");
- radial hypothenar loop with a-line ending above (+ radial patten on 2nd digit).
• Full report with more details:
Hand signs in Agreeableness: 'agreeable' vs. 'antagonistic'!
- Hand sign constellations in CONSCIENTIOUSNESS -
[C+ = high conscientiousness; C- = high disinhibition]
The 6 C-facets: C1 Competence - C2 Order - C3 Dutifulness - C4 Achievement striving - C5 Self-discipline - C6 Deliberation

Key-factors for hand sign constellations in Conscientiousness high scorers (= C+):
• Morphology:
- low PB/HL (= low hand index);
- tendency towards long distal phalanges + short proximal phalanges.
• Major creases:
- long transverse creases;
- forked distal crease with one branch ending at distal border of palm;
- mid-axis line is well developed (firm structure with normal or long length).
• Dermatoglyphics:
» Fingerprints:
- small patterns with typically only normal variations.
» Palm:
- large triradial zone.
Key-factors for hand sign constellations in Conscientiousness low scorers (= C-):
• Morphology:
- high PB/HL (= high hand index);
- tendency towards long proximal phalanges + short distal phalanges.
• Major creases:
- short transverse creases;
- mid-axis line has various flaws/abnormalties (such as: short, weak development, passing through thenar crease or radial proximal termination, located radially from axial triradius).
• Dermatoglyphics:
» Fingerprints:
- large patterns, sometimes featured with a slighty unusual distribution.
» Palm:
- small triradial zone;
- large ulnar hypothenar loop.
• Full report with more details:
Hand signs in Conscientiousness: 'conscientiousness' vs. 'disinhibition'!
An overview of the full Big Five model including the underlying 30 facets:

• Next major section: Hand signs in Autistic Spectrum Disorders!