Rosemary Heenan ****
"Your Hands Will Prove There's Nothing Wrong With You
If you've struggled with the same problem most of your life, wouldn't you be relieved to learn the reason why? Are you "hiding out" like one of my clients? Carrie was so afraid of being seen as her true self she became invisible in groups. Are you suffering from nagging guilt no matter how much you do? Linda's to-do list was a mile long and she always felt guilty for things that were not her responsibility. Do you allow fear of others' disapproval to keep you from expressing your gifts? Natalie hid buckets of talent from the world because one grade five teacher told her she couldn't sing.
These are possible life lessons and your fingerprints reveal that you are hard-wired to have challenges with one or more specific lessons.
The good news is this does not mean that you are powerless to change. When you know what your lesson is, you can create a plan to use when you're stuck. In my coaching work, I help clients create ideal strategies for navigating through the challenges of their lessons.
Have you always secretly wanted to be on centre stage-up in front of a large crowd singing your heart out or moving people with your motivating message? Are you the one everyone goes to with their problems because you listen well and somehow know the right words to say? Perhaps you're a leader who can see a clear vision of where a project is headed and you wonder why no one else seems to be able to have the same picture.
Those are some of the life purposes your fingerprints will reveal. Have you had a persistent longing for a certain career that you ignored because it didn't offer a safe, secure pay check? Don't be surprised to find it as your life purpose in one or more of your fingerprints.
Your fingerprints were formed when you were in the womb and they stay the same throughout your life. The rest of your hand changes in several ways. The shape of your hand and fingers, the length of each third of your fingers and the lines in your hands all change to reflect your predominant thoughts and emotions. I think of the prints as your soul's intention for this lifetime and the rest of your hand is a reflection of your personality.
Some people also have extra talent, extra gifts they can use to enhance their success. These are uncovered by gift markings on your hands. Wouldn't you like to know what your hands tell about your talents?
Imagine how great you will feel when you are living the life purpose you've been searching for!
See yourself behind the wheel of your favourite car. You're heading off to your destination of your life purpose. You have your GPS; it's your hand analysis, to tell you which directions to take and which roads to avoid. However, someone has to voice those out to you while you're busy driving. I act as the voice giving the directions. I use my skills as a creation specialist to help you vision your life on purpose and then support you in making that happen, while helping you keep from getting stuck in a traffic jam caused by your life lesson.
I can help you navigate the direct route, the one that's scenic and beautiful and lets you drive with ease. With my help, your route is the expressway to your purpose and not the long one with the detours.
All the successful people I know have had mentors along the way. Working with a mentor speeds your path to success. Contact me to get started on your road to living life on purpose.
Warmest regards,
Rosemary Heenan"
Palm Reading profile for: Rosemary Heenan
Hand analysis reading (+ laughter yoga)
Telephone: 519-978-3995
E-mail: rosemaryheenan@gmail.com
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