Hand Reading Books: rankings, expert ratings & reviews!
Palmistry books Top 50 by user ratings & popularity,
Amazon Palmistry books Top 100, reviews + recent publications!

Discover the most popular books about palmistry, palm reading, hand reading, hand analysis, chirology, chiromancy & chirognomy:
• Palmistry books TOP 50 by user ratings
• Palmistry books TOP 50 by popularity
(Still available: the preceding
Amazon Palmistry TOP 100 ranking)
The most recommended books by the Global Hand Reading Network, plus the most controversial books:
• Top 10 most recommended books (by 31 experts)
• Top 5 most controversial books (by 31 experts)
Discover recent hand reading publications:
- Hand Reading Book Reviews! -

• R. Coburn
Destiny at Your Fingertips

• J. Hirsch
God Given Glyphs

• R. Unger

• A. Holtzman
Psycho-diagnostic Chirology

• J.T. Manning
The Finger Book
Finally, explore the NEW Hand Reading Books that were published during the past few years:
New hand reading books in 2016 (+20 titles)
New hand reading books in 2015 (+18 titles)
New hand reading books in 2014 (+8 titles)
New hand reading books in 2013 (+8 titles)
New hand reading books in 2012 (+7 titles)
New hand reading books in 2011 (+7 titles)
New hand reading books in 2010 (+4 titles)
New hand reading books in 2009 (+19 titles)
New hand reading books in 2008 (+19 titles)
New hand reading books in 2007 (+19 titles)
New hand reading books in 2006 (+16 titles)
New hand reading books in 2005 (+25 titles)