- Profile page: Lloyd Hamilton, palmist in Kenmore - near Brisbane [AUS] -

Lloyd Hamilton ****
Palmist / hand reader
in Kenmore (near Brisbane) - Queensland, Australia [AUS]
Recommendations by Lloyd Hamilton:
"I have been involved with palmistry since a teenager in 1953. I have been teaching palmistry at The University of The Third Age since mid 2004. I also give public lectures to various groups of people."
"I have written a 167 page book on Palmistry which I use for teaching my students. One day I will publish it. At present I see improvements that need to be put in it every time I read it, but one day I will let it go to the printer."
Quote from Lloyd's website:
"One way to overcome the Barnum Effect is to compare the palms of two or more people and show that one has a greater degree of a certain trait than the other has. When comparing ranges of personality traits among people the Barnum Effect does not apply. For example, if we say that Joe is more fanciful than Bill, Joe may feel less inclined to believe it whereas Bill might be happier with the finding, but over a number of traits Bill and Joe might feel that they are not being flattered and they are likely to see that the readings are genuine and realistic."
- Hand reading profile for Lloyd Hamilton -
Facebook: Lloyd Hamilton
Mobile: 0418 683 223
E-mail: l.h.hamilton (at) bigpond.com
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Common synonyms for hand reading are:
palm reading, palmistry, hand analysis & chirology